Please take a moment to go by Ivanhoe's place. She is trying to help find a home for 2 dogs. The dogs can't be separated and their person can't keep them anymore. If you think you can help please check it out HERE
We're all animal people so I'm hoping we can come through for these 2 sweeties.
My Camera Critter this week is my friend and neighbor Sleeves. When his people go out of town we hang out together. Sleeves has a naughty habit of sneaking out to catch some rays.
He knows I'll make him go back in so he gives me some attitude.
Check out all the CAMERA CRITTERS
It looks like he's enjoying himself! :)
Very cute, he IS enjoying the sun!
Love to know how he got that name
My cats love to go sit in the sun, but it's been so cold here that they haven't even tried to get out lately.
tisha - he knows how to live ;)
T - thanks :)
ibeati - as a kitten he used to crawl into the sleeves of things to sleep
tammy - it was a lovely day but Sleeves doesn't really care - he loves to travel
Cute cat! Obviously a sun lover :)
He's sweet!
If there's one thing cats have got, it's attitude!
Gotta love the attitude. I also love the ear shadow on the foundation.
I really hope that Coco and Cookie find a home together. Lisa
Yep, cats know what they want and very much dislike being opposed. You must be "alpha cat." ;-)
Cats are the best about giving some attitude. lol And I love seeing house kitties escape outside into the dangerous wild world for a little bit. lol
Oh NO! Not attitude!!! Baaaad, bad kitty!
You have NO idea how much I would love to take those doggies myself... but, that would make five, and my hubs would probably lose his patience.
Sleeves has to be the cutest cat name I've heard in a long time.
I played CC twice today at Rattitude and My Ordinary Things
Sleeves is beautiful! Whenever our Timmy escaped, he made it almost impossible for us to catch him. He was just a cat who hated being an indoor cat. His last three years were happy ones, though. My friend and her daughter took him for the last 3 years of his life where he got to hang around with the barn cats! ;-)
I hope you're doing better. I feel like crap! Ugh!!!!
Sleeves is a handsome guy!
He so reminds me of our now angel kitty Smokey. He was marked much like Sleeves and loved the outdoor.
Happy cat!
I think pretty much EVERY kitty has a 'tude until they are either hungry or want a good scratch behind the ears :D
Tink *~*~*
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Of Mice and Mutts - Disney’s Flower and Garden Festival
Oh gosh i don't have any cats that like to be outdoors, Even that momma cat that was ferel now will not go out, i put her out a few times and she claws at the door like she is crazy and wants back in .
What a pretty kitty!
My Camera Critters entry is here
Thank you for stopping by! :)
I don't blame you Sleeves cuz there's nothing that feels better than sitting in the sun:)
Sleeves may have attitude but he is a cute kitty.
How wonderful! His majesty, though a smaller size than his cousin the lion, behaves as a king should do!
I think I would just sit in the sun with Sleeves.
Dianne: That is a cute photo of your cat.
Here Kitty! Adorable!
That kitty has an interesting moniker!
Guess his mother is sleeve-less. hahaha!
He is looking at you like he's just daring you to grab him. :)
Just taking in some sun .. no need to get bossy ...
She looks very proud up there, lol !
Nifty of you to let us know about Ivanhoe's post ... I'll visit in a minute though I don't know any folks in Ohio so I'm not sure I can be much help with this. Your kitty DOES seem to enjoy the sunshine ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
He just about disappears into the white wall background... lucky he has some interesting markings. It makes for a very interesting image.
My boy gives me that look when he wants more food... he's just a big black Garfield!!
Glad to read in a more recent post that you found the dogs a home :)
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