Saturday, April 18, 2009

Camera Critters: Isn't It Ironic

Apparently my life dance of 1 step forward, 2 steps back applies to my cats as well.

Siren has been with me since he was a few months old - 6 years now . When he came here he terrorized sweet old JR to the point that I had to keep them separated - if Siren was around JR wouldn't eat and would often vomit from sheer fear.

When JR passed I waited a bit to adopt another, looking for the best possible sibling for Siren.

Along came Mia. The shelter was so full that she was living in a barn and I was told she ruled the tomcats. They followed her and never messed with her.

And that is true ... Although Mia is half Siren's size and several years older she is the boss. All it takes is a look and a hiss and Siren takes off.

It's been over a year and Siren wants to be friends. Mia is not interested.

"I'm playing here Siren, come any closer and you'll be sorry"

"I just want to hang with you. Most of those toys are mine, you don't see me being nasty and selfish"

Until last week this has been as close as they get and they don't stay that way for more than a few moments. Siren makes a move, Mia hisses, Siren leaves.

But then, one magical morning last week, I came upon this ...

Now Mia is deaf and Siren is stealthy so I assumed he got up there while she slept and it would only be a matter of time before hissing would ensue and hair would fly.

I was wrong ...

"Hey! Mom-Person!! She's awake and looking at me and I'm still alive, how cool is this? She likes me, she really likes me."

And they stayed there together for hours ...

I would like to direct your attention to their blankie. It is from the Martha Stewart Nursery Collection, part of the nursery rhymes motif.

We may be savages but we know decor.

Where's the irony?

Well Mia got sick a few days later (I wrote about it on the other blog) and when she returned from the vet Siren couldn't bear her "vet smell" and immediately went back to skulking mode. Mia is so out of sorts that she hisses even when Siren is in another room.

Oh well ... tomorrow is another day.

Go to CAMERA CRITTERS to read about more critters, most of whom are not nearly as nuts as we are.


Norm said...

they are cute and adorable nice to hug.

Cherie said...

Huge first step! I think that Mia was probably already not feeling well when she allowed Siren to get so close. Maybe, when Mia stops smelling like "vet," and she's feeling a little better they can continue improving their relationship. Here's to hoping. :)

pink dogwood said...

love the pictures - they are both so adorable

San said...

Gorgeous pictures of your felines. How sweet they look together. And that one peeking around the corner--that is simply priceless.

Villas Girl said...

Ah Dianne! When Mia is feeling better, they will be back to being friends. Sharing the closeness. Feeling the love. I hope:o)
I know I don't have to say this, but take care of that pretty baby. Love her. Give her a hug for me. Tell Siren I love him too. Lisa

Carletta said...

But we can see it's possible for them to be buddies!
Lots of cute shots to follow your story Dianne.

bobbie said...

Cats are completely unpredictable aren't they? Hope they get back together soon.

Unknown said...

Very cute babies :-)

I'm sure, once the vet smell wears off, they'll back to being cautious friends again..

i beati said...

Isn't that so so amazing Sandy

Raven said...

Aw... I'm so glad they are warming up to each other... They'll get there. And Mia will feel better soon... Wonderful pictures.

Diane said...

i just got my kitty recently but i'm already thinking about getting another. i love watching them interact!

Tina said...

yep she is so giving siren the look! its sweet in a way lol.

diane b said...

What big blue eyes!

Sharon said...

You can never figure out cats! We have two that are constantly fighting too, but every once in awhile I come across a scene like yours where they are actually lying next to each other. I think they just like to fight!

robin. said...

this is just like my cats...they tolerate each other...but then you catch them laying close to each other,'s priceless!!! thanks for sharing.


Bruce said...

That's why they call us finicky!

Müge Tekil said...

Very nice post with a beautiful serie of photos. The story of Siren and Mia gave me hope because my cat Greeny (male, 3.5 years old) is not friendly with other cats and even female cats. We wanted to mate him so found him a beautiful young girl (female cat) but he was not interested at all.

Teena in Toronto said...

What cute kitties!

Thanks for stopping by!

Anonymous said...

Too cute! They can take some time to warm up to each other, but if they're young enough, they usually adapt. I've got 6, & each one has a favorite 'buddy'.

Adrienne Zwart said...

Oh, these are such cute photos. Hopefully Mia will be feeling better soon and Siren will attempt to befriend her again.

Oskar said...

The cat behind the basket does look mean!

Flying Solo said...

Funny. Reminded me a video i posted earlier :)

Check it its very funny

fermicat said...

None of mine get along either, but they are sometimes willing to sit near each other without actively fighting.

EG CameraGirl said...

Hopefully they'll make up and try again. Interesting story!

Ingrid said...

I think nobody can really understand !What cute pictures they both together ! with my five only Arthur and Kim (the black one) gets well along with all others and they with them. The 3 females Pookie, Rosie and Lisa can't stand each other and always hiss, but fortunately don't fight.

RA said...

Wonderful shots and an interesting story. I hope Mia is feeling much more better now, and they eventually will be best pals. Have a great week, Dianne :)

Ivanhoe said...

Awwww...and I thought for a moment that they will be friends. Got me fooled with their little innocent faces :o)

Daryl said...

Aw ... Gus was 7 when we adopted Rose .. she saw him and it was love at first sight .. he not at all ... in fact 7 yrs later he still tolerates her ... and when he is nice to her it lasts all of 2 minutes and then he's putting her in half nelson or giving her a Three Stooges slapping ... and she continued to worship him ... til one day when I guess she decided enough was enough and got on the coffee table and waited for him to walk past... lets just say it took both Ray and I to break them up and Gus had a lot of Rose's fur in his claws ...

Misty DawnS said...

The eyes in that "Hey Mom-Person. She likes me. She really likes me" photo (and the caption) absolutely cracked me up.

Lilli & Nevada said...

Cats are so funny and irritating at times. My cats all have been raised together, never a problem till about a yr ago and now the boys are chasing the girls and the girls hissing and really acting up, they hate each other, they are all fixed so that isn't a problem. but there just hateful towards each other. so two of the girls stay in one bedroom and hardly will come out and when they do they are scared to death. Why? i don't have a clue. Fickle they are

storyteller said...

Hmmm ... seems what goes around, comes around in the animal kingdom too. I love your little photo story and the allusion to Sally Fields ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Martha said...

Adorable cats. We have 4, but will need to find homes for three when we move back to PA, I am VERY sad.