Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Ruby Tuesday: Bar Hopping On Wheels

In the old days I used to bar hop on 3rd Avenue in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. More bars on one single street than anywhere else in the world - it's in the record books.

Now I drive by inviting pubs on my way to the grocery.



Christine Gail said...

seeing red here, nice capture!

Daryl said...

I recently learned the expression 'called in' refers to a visit to a pub ...

Interesting (probably only to me) the bar/tavern on every street ceded to nail salons in the 90s and then banks in the more recent years, with so many failing/being absorbed into other lending institutions what do you suppose will replace the banks? Bars/taverns again?

floreta said...

that's a cool looking pub!

Tina said...

yes that does look very inviting. i love red!

Jay said...

That definitely looks like a place I would go in to.

And I think I would hang out on that street with all the bars a lot too. ;-)

Linda said...

I can see where the nice red exterior would invite people in - not that I have been in a bar in quite some time myself now that I think about it. I believe I had landed squarely in the Land of Old Fogeyism!

bobbie said...

It's a really pretty red. But I'll pass, thank you.

EG CameraGirl said...

Interesting how times change and how we change too, isn't it? I hope you stopped at a light to take this photo. ;-)

Mojo said...

And I caught hell for shooting a bridge photo on the fly?

Worth the stop though D. Um... you did stop, right?

And my two-way mirrors are really only useful for what you saw. They're not big enough for much of anything else. Certainly nothing nefarious or clandestine.

Jan said...

Good capture for Ruby Tuesday. Yes, those were the days. I, too, just drive by, now.

Ralph said...

The pub crawl seems to be a younger person's outlet. Except I would love to visit and tip a pint of Black and Tan in the ruby treasure. With some appealing pub grub to wash down!

Paz said...

Times HAVE changed, huh? ;-) One can't miss the put in the red color.


dot said...

It's definitely red!

MaggieGem said...

Great capture! Oh and by the way there is a Greenwich Village "Literary Pub Crawl" that runs every Saturday afternoon, in case anyone is interested.

Anonymous said...

Nice capture from the car. That place is fire engine red~~ Very attractive!!

diane b said...

Well you couldn't miss that pub. Just as well you don't walk to the grocery store you might be a bit tipsy by the time you get there.

prkl said...

fine looking irishbar, wouldn't mind having a guiness in there. nice lil' red in a rewiewmirror as a bonus. happy RT!

Ingrid said...

I think I still would hop in, lol ! I love pubs (at least the once in England)

Hey Harriet said...

It's funny how priorities change over time. As a youngster my life revolved around bar hopping with buddies. Now a quiet night in with a few friends and a couple of drinks is more my pace! Looks like a cool bar :)

Jackie said...

I'm guessing with a name like McDonagh's that it's an Irish pub - they get everywhere!

sunnymama said...

That's a very red bar! I love your picture from the bus.

Jim said...

Hi Dianne, that is a pretty red pub that you drive by. If they serve fish and chips I'd go in there once in a while, they are my favorite pub food (and I don't think they were on the original pub food menus).

Patti said...

Hi Dianne,
This place sure looks cozy and inviting, although I haven't been in a bar in years.
I didn't do a Ruby Tuesday photo this week, but I didn't want to miss yours.

Have a nice Thursday.

maryt/theteach said...

Ah, Dianne, dose were da days! :)

storyteller said...

Ah ... sweet mem'riez ;--)
I didn't play or visit much of anyone this week. Life's been BUSY, but I'm hoping to catch up this weekend.
Hugs and blessings,