I was in the PO parking lot and this little guy was sitting in the brush right outside the window. Apologies for the bit of glare - if I had gotten out of the car I would have missed the shot.

I love the way he's posed, especially his tail.
CAMERA CRITTERSHappy Mother's Day!
He has something on his mind, doesn't he? Great photo!
Great shot. I'm glad he didn't fly away.
Great shot. I'm glad he didn't fly away.
As much as I enjoy seeing this bird, the question comes to mind: What bird is this?
Do visit mine to see what I mean. :)
And, Happy Mother's Day to you, too. Do you think that the bird might need the same type of greeting?
What a cutie !!
Glad he stayed still for you..
Happy Mother's Day to you as well :-)
So cute!
I shot my CC through a window this week, too. Sometimes that's just what you've gotta do.
He must have been waiting just for you! Happy Mother's Day to you, too!
Great shot! He's awfully cute!
Happy Mothers Day to you too.
It's a very sweet picture.
He looks as if he's thinking very deeply.
A little male house sparrow and they do have lots of attitude...Happy Mothers Day to you Dianne....Michelle
Cute little birdie! That was nice that he posed for you!
Happy Mother's day!
He looks like a healthy little fellow. Nice shot:)
Oh yes, I like the pretty little birdies:)
WHat kind of of a bird, I wonder? Looks like a saucy little fellow!
Happy mother's day, luv!
Awww he is cute. Just sitting and listening. :)
what a sweet little birdie!
p.s happy mothers day mate :)
Very kewl capture even with a little glare ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
What an adorable little fellow! You made the right choice to stay in the car and share this adorable shot with us. Have a great week, Dianne :)
What a cute little birdie and it's true it looks so funny with the little tail ! Your windows must be very clean because I can't see any glare, lol !
good capture!
Great capture - he is a cutie!
Cute! I usually play camera critters too!
That is a cute little bird.
What a sweetie... I can forgive the small amount of glare for a chance to see this image.
On another note, I'm sure I asked already - a few weeks back I think... anyway the invite to send me a blog badge to add to the main gritfx website still stands. If you're interested, send me a website/blog badge (120pixels wide x 80pixels) to manz76@live.com.
Manz's Camera Critters Page
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