Monday, May 18, 2009

Ruby Tuesday: The Little Gremlin And His Big ...

... you can fill that part in.

RUBY TUESDAY will be celebrating it's First Anniversary on May 26. Take some time to check out all the great photography.


Ralph said...

That central toadstool looks adorable in red. Our dwarf/gnome/gremlin looks so right in (mostly) red with green accents, No doubt he whistles while he works!

eastcoastlife said...

To be on the safe side, I'll fill in .... wheelbarrow. hahaha....

Jim said...

I was thinking about his big HAT but Ralph might have a better idea about that big red toadstool in the shape of a strawberry. :-)
Happy RT, this one is neat.

Auntie E said...

How funny, Red Toad Stool. Let's find one out there in real land,lol. Love our photo. Happy RT

Dianne said...

ralph - he has the kindest face I've ever seen on a gnome

east coast - hehehehehehe

jim - he does have a big hat, I didn't even realize ;)

auntie e - wouldn't that be cool!

Melli said...

Oh, he's CUTE! Way too cute to be gnome!

storyteller said...

LOL ... thanks for the chuckles and the nifty Ruby Red gnome and ... whatever ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Patti said...

Aw, he's a sweet-looking gnome! I have lots of gnomes and he takes the cake, I'd say.

So we are supposed to fill in the blank here? I think that might spoil my Pollyanna image.

bobbie said...

He's a very sweet faced little guy. gnomes are so often evil or frowning.

Daryl said...

What a funny face the gnome has, so very ungnome-like .. love his wheelbarrow and that nice big red 'mushroom'?

Felisol said...

I like the cute young man. Most garden gnomes are old, you know, and like us humans they are not that sweet and innocent when aging.
I never thought the gnomes were smaller than a mushroom though.
The elves maybe, they are tiny and delicate creatures, according to my Tinkerbell daughter.
Happy Ruby Tuesday
From Felisol

srp said...

The toadstool makes the little gnome look smaller. He is an adorable little creature... a Santa gnome, perhaps.

Annie Jeffries said...

'shrooms??? Love the eyebrows on the little guy. Too cute all the way around.

Anonymous said...

It seems this gremlin has a story. Cute anyway.

Robin said...

It's either a mushroom or a Christmas bell. Certainly not that other thing that first popped into my mind.

EG CameraGirl said...

Tee hee, hahahaha, Bwahahaha!

Ahem! That sure was a funny fill-in-the-blanks post, Dianne.

MaR said...

LOL, great shot and creative post title!!
Happy RT!

Anonymous said...

Those would make any garden a happier place.

Monica said...

Gnomes usually creep me out, however this guy has a very charming face. :-) Thanks for the chuckle and for stopping by to visit my Ruby Tuesday. I enjoyed your post.

Linda said...

Now that is a very cute picture! And red, too! Which is always good for Ruby Tuesday, right?!?

Anonymous said...

Adorable :)
See ya next week at RT 1st anniversary :)

RA said...

LOL, I can't fill in the blanks because I'm laughing my heart out ;). What a friendly looking gnome. Adorable! Thank you for stopping by at my RT. It is a yo-yo. Have a great day :)

Jew Wishes said...

I love this, such a cute gnome, and I'm laughing at your "you can fill that part in". LOL.

This is an a great capture of mood and color.

Arlene said...

Mushroom! lol! Just wanted to blurt out a safe word. hahahaa Cool RT shot of the little man.

Thanks for dropping by my RT, Dianne.

Sara Chapman said...

No gremlin, he. Almost Santa-esque, no? Gnomes are some of my favorite kitsch of all times. And the "mushroom" is a very special item. With little dots to feel even better?

Ingrid said...

Looks cute, but I don't want to have that in my garden ! My neighbours 14 year old boy had put nearly a whole village of dwarfs in his front garden !

Hildegarde said...

A nice shop ! My nieces both take pottery classes so you can meet all sorts of creations in our shared garden (once they made a dog shit and put it on the garden path).

Eaton Bennett aka Berenice Albrecht said...

Cute Ruby Tuesday...seems completely innocent to me. :))

Linnea said...

For some reason this reminds me of gardens in Germany; I think the German gardeners are fond of gnomes and mushrooms!

Raven said...

Awwww..... Too cute! Adorable photo.

Jackie said...

That's really cute.

When I was in Romania a few years back I remember being in the middle of nowhere and suddenly coming across a garden gnome shop, it was completely random to see something that I associate as so quintessentially English somewhere so unexpected!

MyMaracas said...

Oh my goodness. LOL

Thanks for the laugh!

bichonpawz said...

Very, very cute!!