Sunday, July 12, 2009

Summer Stock Sunday: Taking A Break

Shadow Shot is right below ...

These hospital workers are taking a break in the beautiful garden at the main entrance to CentraState Hospital in NJ.

My grand daughter was born there last week. Every person we encountered was kind and professional and responsive and the rooms and the grounds are beautiful.

My DIL and my son both have solid health insurance coverage. She is a teacher and he works for a major utility company. I think all babies should start their life this way, not just those with expensive insurance.



Robin said...

I couldn't agree more. It baffles me that people so fear socialism, when to me living in a country with a strong socialist tradtion means that every single person here has access to quality healthcare, without precondition and without prejudice.

I'm glad your granddaughter was one of the lucky ones, I wish every American child was.

And getting back to the photo itself, what a lovely, colorful spot for a break - you can't help but go back in to work with your batteries recharged.

bobbie said...

The grounds are beautiful.

Let's pray that all of our children have these benefits before too long.

Bim said...

In these colourful surrounds the green hospital uniforms (which generally make me shudder) look rather cheerful.

Leora said...

As long as we have a strong economy, we can afford better coverage for everyone. But if medical costs are so high that it burdens all the hard working entrepreneurs in the economy, I don't have such a rosy view of promising health coverage for all. We don't want everyone to be poor together. I prefer other solutions to health care than handing the problem to bureaucratic government.

Congratulations on the granddaughter!

Dianne said...

Leora - I consider myself a hard working entrpreneur - last summer I became disabled and was unable to pay my $1200/mo health insurance - I am still waiting for disablilty coverage - from a private policy I paid into all these years and I am still trying to get some medical attention
I have recently discovered that $1 out of every $7 of premiums paid to my health insurance co. went to pay the salary of ONE executive!!!!
the poor are not the problem, the rich are
thanks for the well wishes re. the baby :)

Daryl said...

$1200 a month for a single person health coverage is insane .. insane ... and every child born should have the same healthy start your grand daughter got ... lets hope that this administration gets their healthcare bill passed/enacted ASAP


Miranda said...

Nice shot! Every baby should be born into a family, that has no worries at all.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

They look like they are having a nice break. Up here in the Northern part of our country we don't like to waste any of the summer's. They are pretty short aren't they?

Nice and Easy Antiques said...

Every child should be born this way and this very simple, basic human right should continue for the rest of each person's life...When someone gets sick, it's hard enough...they shouldn't have to fear the system, the insurance company...the bills...
I usually try not to write about this kind of things but this is a subject, just like Education, that I'm very passionate about, I apologize if I offended anybody.

Regarding your beautiful shot, it is a wonderful, colorful picture perfect to celebrate a beautiful baby girl! Congratulations to the whole family!!!

Dianne said...

marcela - my blogs are an apology free zone ;)
all opinions are respected, and of course I clearly agree with you 100%
thanks for the kind wishes for the baby

Mama Pajama said...

Congratulations on the baby!!!

I am a single mom, and I was lucky enough to have gotten Medicaid coverage when I gave birth to my son. Most people look down on those who receive welfare, but in my case, it was a blessing to have had decent healthcare throughout my pregnancy, and a safe and healthy birth for my child in a wonderful birthing center assisted by the lovely midwives who took such great care of us! Who knows what might have happened to us, had it not been for the help of the State or those ladies? It was a very hard time in my life, but they helped me through it - and yes, everyone should have access to that, if they can do it without abusing the system!

Sylvia K said...

The grounds really are lovely! I can only hope that one day all children as well as their parents will have access to complete health care -- what is it about that kind of coverage that's so hard to understand???

Ellie said...

Congratulation! You are a very young grandma! I like the spirit - taking pictures at the hospital probably helped you with all the nervous wait :) It is a good thing the workers are not smoking :) The flowers are pretty - but the occasion is what matters! Congratulations!

Ellie said...

As far as insurances go - all the babies have access to nice hospitals in America. Mothers that are poor file emergency Medicaid that covers everything - they have the same service as the people with insurance and cost them nothing. I knew a few illegals who had their children in the same hospital as me with my fancy insurance. If there was a woman in America that was sent away from the hospital when having a baby - she would have been all over the news.

Joyce said...

Congrats on the grand and I like your shadow shot but the baby photo from the hospital with the note that your son sent is the winner!

Thorne said...

A very nice place to take a break. So colorful! ( I LOVE flowers- perhaps all the more that they are so scarce or tiny here in the High Desert). Congratulations on the birth of your granddaughter! May she thrive and prosper and know much love.

Lowell said...

It boogles my mind that we can hand off billions of dollars to Wall Street and other crooks without blinking and call this saving capitalism or some damn dumb thing and we can figure out a way to provide health care for all...

...and the worst is that those Wall Street con artists and their friends in Congress immediately start hollering about socialism or whatever whenever the few righteous left in Congress talk about helping real people.

EG CameraGirl said...

I'm glad your granddaughter is doing well. I bet you're going to spoil her rotten. And why not? That's what grandchildren are for! ;-)

It's great to have good health coverage, that's for sure!

Jientje said...

Congratulations on the new baby, and I agree ...
Unfortunately, not all of them are so lucky.

MyMaracas said...

Don't even get me started on healthcare. It's insane to have a medical payment system whose primary goal is profit, not the actual delivery of care.

Congrats on the grandbaby! She is gorgeous.