Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wordless Wednesday/Mid Week Blues - The Beginning of the End of Summer




Miranda said...

Nice shot! It would be kind of a sad title, but I do love fall. ;)

Jim said...

Hi Dianne, this is neat. In the winter they either move inside or go south, right?
Happy MidWeek. Stay cool,
'Jim's Little Photo and Poem Place' for MidWeek Blues.

Anonymous said...

Don't close the umbrellas yet!
September can be one of the prettiest months!

Daryl said...

Nice ... like the weather ... tho I personally feel cheated, Husband is happy that the AC barely got used which means ConEd couldnt bill us the usual WELL over $100 a month they have in past summers.

storyteller said...

Oh ... I'm just not READY for the end of summer yet but I do like your photo and am reminded I've not posted any midweek blues as of yet. I have, however, shared a watery outdoor photo my sister took in South Bend, WA with some variations of my own at Small Reflections.
Hugs and blessings,

Annie Bear said...

I love this shot, but I'm not feeling blue about the end of summer. I can't wait for fall!

I like how all the blue umbrellas are closd. This picture really speaks for itself.

Dianne - Bunny Trails said...

Great shot! It seems like summer went by much too quickly this year. I could use a few more months of it.

Suburban Girl said...

No, say it isn't so! Where did the summer go?

Love the umbrellas standing like sentries above the tables waiting for their moment. Thanks for playing along with mwb's. It is great to have you!

Anonymous said...

Closed umbrellas... nothing highlights the end of a season as much as this! Though in my neck of the words, summer doesn't really get going until about now - we have what's called an Indian Summer that is way hotter than the June-Aug period.

Anyway.... great shot of blue! Have a good rest of the week...

Anonymous said...

Though it's of depressing title, the beach umbrellas look like they'll unfold some pretty cool fun :)

Janie said...

All those collapsed umbrellas tell the story. Summer is almost done.

Unknown said...

that's sad to see. :( I'm not ready for summer to be over.

Ingrid said...

Sob, sob ! I think I retire in my cavern and wake up in spring !

Arkansas Patti said...

Uh, did we have summer?? I only remember a few weeks that qualified. Not complaining though.
Closed umbrellas do tell a tale.

Jientje said...

Aaaah yes. Sad, but true.

Unknown said...

Sort of sad to see the summer go,
but that's Life, no?