Saturday, October 10, 2009

Camera Critters: The Peeping Tom Bug


This little guy hangs out on my kitchen window - on the outside thankfully - He sits there for a bit, often turning in a circle. Then he backs his way off the window and disappears into the siding.

I love his little legs, especially the one that is always curved. I decided he was waving to me.


i beati said...


eileeninmd said...

Now, that is a big spider. Thanks for sharing your crawly critter.

Anonymous said...

He's probably wishing he could cook :)

Diana Chiew said...

Hi, thanks for dropping by. I see you have a crawly too. Maybe next week I will post a bug.

Carletta said...

The silhouette looks like some kind of beetle.
When I glance over at my sunroom window I'm always wondering if what I see is on the other side.
Good shots through the window!

Carletta’s Captures.

storyteller said...

Wonderful macro photos of this tiny critter ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Lisa (Mountain Photog) said...

That is one cool beetle, Dianne! He may be waving to you but, since he is a beetle, perhaps he just wants to hold your haa-aaa-aaa-aaand. I know, I know--as my daughter would say, LAME! LOL!

Diane said...

i heart bugs!

JunieRose2005 said...

Well, now....He sure is an interesting looking character! Wonder what he is!


magiceye said...

lovely post!

kanishk said...

Wonderful macro photos of this tiny critter ;--) Work From Home

bobbie said...

The nerve of him! Spying on you!

Arkansas Patti said...

Has he been working out? Those calf muscles (aka bulges) sure look impressive.

We love Luna said...

Great series of spider shots!I was just thinking of mommy, she is always frightened about spiders! :)
Happy Camera Critters
purrs and love

Daryl said...

Um, he's only got SIX legs the other two are his feelers, its NOT a spider they have EIGHT legs and no feelers .. its some sort of beetle .. nevertheless its fascinating to watch his on his constitutional across your glass ... lets hope he isn't a termite!

Ingrid said...

That would be nice to watch by my cats, they love all kinds of crawling things, lol !

Patti said...

Linus and Rigby would enjoy watching him as well ;-)

We were befriended by termites, and he doesn't look like one of those to me.

Suburban Girl said...

One many effects. Nice job.

Nicole said...

Sweet, he's checking in on you and see if you are alright :)!

Misty DawnS said...

He's waiting for you to invite him in for dinner. hehe

EG CameraGirl said...

Yep, I'd be pretty happy if he stayed on the outside too. ;-) Waving to you? Love your fertile imagination, Dianne!

Unknown said...

These are fun shots - glad he's outside too. :)