Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ruby Tuesday: The Hand Says It All

I was looking at this scene while waiting for traffic to clear. I pass this house a lot but the spiffy red car is new. I was thinking how nice it would be to have that house and car when I noticed that the traffic signal appeared to be telling me something.

Made me laugh.



maryt/theteach said...

Dianne, Isn't amazing when a scene dawns on you that it would be perfect for some meme or other? Thanks very much for your compliments on my door decor... :)

Jientje said...

Hands off! LOL!!

Heidi said...

God works in mysterious ways! Just kidding. Wouldn't we all drool over that car as we drove past though. GREAT red for Ruby Tuesday!

Annie Bear said...

Nice ruby red car!

Maybe the traffic signal is signaling that the house and car look great on the outside, but it doesn't mean owning them makes one feel good on the inside. I don't know. Something like that.

Stephanie V said...

Mustangs should always be red...irresistible! But, just wait! You've been given the red hand!

Lindy said...

Cute house and car but if there's a traffic signal there, it's no doubt busy and, perhaps, noisy. Perhaps that was the best sign for you to see. :D

Happy RT!

Margaret Gosden said...

And so does the car! Lovely!

Anonymous said...

Great contrast between the red car and the white walls!

Daryl said...

So is this what 'talk to the hand' really means?

Rose said...

That hand would be meant for also....too bad! I wouldn't mind if it were mine!

Lisa (Mountain Photog) said...

LOL, Dianne! It's for the best, you know. You'd go too fast in that car anyway, get lots of speeding tickets, get your license taken away. No, it wouldn't be worth it.

Then again. . . :)

Love that shade, though. And the contrast against the house is interesting--and I'm not just talking color. It really doesn't fit with the place, does it? I'm sure it would look much better parked in your driveway. ;)

Paz said...

LOL! Fun photo. Fun thoughts.


Felisol said...

Such a cosy, well groomed house and this exclamation mark of a car.
I think a son-in-law-to-be is visiting for the first time.
From Felisol

Carletta said...

And just look how it's parked - look at me, look at me....
I've always wanted a vet but it won't happen in this lifetime. :)
Wonderful find Dianne - really nice composition.

Ingrid said...

Hahaha ! but living just behind a traffic light mustn't be very funny all these cars which stop and then start ! For ruby red the car is perfect to sit in less, lol !

Arkansas Patti said...

It does make one drool doesn't it.
Stop those thoughts.
I always try to comfort myself that inside that house and behind that wheel, is a person with worse problems than I have. Might not be true but it helps to think it.

Annie Jeffries said...

Love that red car and - oh heck, I can't resist - speak to the HAND!!

Patti said...

I was thinking what Gattina said! I wouldn't want to live right at a traffic light. All that stopping and starting.

Does the hand mean don't get any closer?

Great photo, Dianne. Happy belated RT to you.

EG CameraGirl said...

Nice car! Another of those times when it's great to have your camera.

Leora said...

I like your storytelling. I would certainly have noticed the car without it, but not the stopping hand!

Unknown said...

I wonder if the little red zippy mobile gets pulled over more often for being red.

I love that type of awnings. Our house would look great with those but to afford them is altogether different. Oh, and I DON'T have the red car in my driveway!

Happy Ruby!

Jackie said...

Haha, I can just see it - "talk to the hand!" (has that catchphrase made it across the Pond, I wonder? - "talk to the hand, cos the face isn't listening")

Ralph said...

No question, Mr. Middle-Age-Crazy wants to recapture his youth. And would like to announce that he is shedding years quite fast wit this RED Corvette. I am old enough to recognize the signs of this...

storyteller at Small Reflections said...

Wonderful find ;--)
Sorry to be visiting late. There doesn't seem to be any way to stay current these days, but I do what I can.
Hugs and blessings,

kanishk said...

God works in mysterious ways! Just kidding. Wouldn't we all drool over that car as we drove past though. GREAT red for Ruby Tuesday! Work From Home

Suburban Girl said...

That's funny...I get a kick out of your humor.