Monday, November 23, 2009

Ruby Tuesday: Hang On


Happy Thanksgiving


Margaret Gosden said...

Yes, Hanging in there! Very nice capture before they go!

Megan, Life Revamped said...

i remember the song..."the last leaf,that clings to the bow.."


Have a great day!
Come and visit my place if you have the time!

Raven said...

They are all gone here. Nice shot. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Hope's first too! What joy that will be.

Robin said...

What beautiful color on that top leaf with the sun hitting it just so.

Leora said...

I like it - the lovely red leaves look like they are playing a game, who can stay on the longest. Neat angle to the shot.

Arkansas Patti said...

Got to admire their perseverance.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

bobbie said...

Ah, those last hangers-on! Love this picture!

Anonymous said...

I love this shot! Love the Fall-colored leaves. This red one is spectacular.


Stephanie V said...

Nice composition. The red leaves are perfect with the background colors. Love it.

Daryl said...

Cant help but think of O'Henry!

Anonymous said...

Simple and delicate: lovely.

Ralph said...

The last leaf does not want to hit the ground. We all want to hang on to the max, and this guy is so plucky. The end may be near, but 'Red' is quite the fighter...

Felisol said...

Every fall I remember Snoopy from the 70ies. How he begged and cheered the last leaves to hang on. And his sadness when they fell.
Well we are about to say goodbye to every green brown, yellow or red leaf.
Yours were extraordinary nice species.
I just read about a lady waxing the red leaves to prreserve them. Have you ever tried?
From Felisol

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

tenacious red leaves
not willing to let loose yet
but their day will come

Ingrid said...

Lol ! love the title ! I expect the next picture : "fallen down"

NicoleB Egypt said...

Postcard perfect!

EG CameraGirl said...

Wow, Dianne. I LIKE this arty photo!

annies home said...

love this simple picture truly shares a great autumn picture

Unknown said...

Very beautiful indeed! I like the contrast of nature and man-made.

Jackie said...

What a beautful image!

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours :)

storyteller said...

Absolutely MARVELOUS ;-)
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! I'm celebrating my 1st Blogoversary at Happily Retired Gal ... how time flies ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

Patti said...

I wonder if they are still hanging on?

Cool photo of some stubborn autumn leaves.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Unknown said...

That's a gem. I hope you had a good thanksgiving.

maryt/theteach said...

Aren't these last leaves gorgeous! Thanks for sharing them Dianne! :)