Monday, December 14, 2009

Ruby Tuesday: Santa Baby

these guys live across the street ...



Ralph said...

Santa is a jolly old soul. But I am perplexed - why doesn't Rudolph have any antlers? Were they stolen in one of those mean 'reindeer games' the other eight always played on poor Rudy?

Miranda said...

aww those are so cute!

Anonymous said...

Festive Santas ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

Kay Dennison said...

Gotta love 'em!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

your neighbor Santas make me grin.:p they're so cute!

Jim said...

Dianne, I do suppose those neighbors get a little noisy now and then.

Happy RT! I have Santa too! He is alive and holding my new kid. Wonder of wonders, she liked him!

MaR said...

Festive neighbors!!
Happy RT :)

fire run

eden said...

So cute.. Wish we could have like that across our street..:)

Happy RT

Hootin Anni said...

Hi Santa and Rudy...:::waving backatcha:::

My R T is's all about Pecan Toffee Bark today. Come over and I'll share a piece with you...


Arkansas Patti said...

The first one got my attention, he knows something....

bobbie said...

Ya gotta love that guy!

Chubskulit Rose said...

inflatable santa... cute.

My RT with Santa

Leora said...

Your red hooded neighbors look quite friendly!

Daryl said...

I hope none of these guys is a flasher ..

Misty DawnS said...

Perfect choice for this time of year!

Patti said...

These Santas make me smile. Nice friendly neighbors.

Happy Ruby Tuesday, Dianne.

Anonymous said...

Very apt seasonal choice.

Felisol said...

Indeed; you have red neighbors.
However,the little calf cannot pass for a reindeer, no horns, no red nose, not even a bell. I think it must be Santa's dog!
From felisol

DILLIGAF said...

oh dear....

BAH HUMBUG!!!!....;-)

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

I love the giant Santa & Rudolph!
Merry christmas !

Sallie said...

You have cute neighbors!

eileeninmd said...

I like the Santa and the reindeer. Merry Christmas!

Nukke said...

Handsome fellows !
my Ruby pic was St. Lucia. I wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2010 !

Ingrid said...

That's a nice new neighbor, lol !
We have a lot of choice for Ruby Red this months !

maryt/theteach said...

Great Santa shots, Dianne! Thanks for participating in RT! I really appreciate it! :)

Anonymous said...

Very cute lawn ornaments!

The Pink Geranium or Jan's Place said...

love that! Santa Baby...oh yah!