Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Mid Week Blues: Family Dress Shop

I love that this shop has been there so long. I always choose to shop at small stores whenever and wherever possible.



Cherie said...

68 years to be in business is pretty impressive. I love those small shops too. (That any my Walmart always smelled like rotten food. Ick!) lol

Suburban Girl said...

Oh this is a PERFECT blue post. The dresses just pop. I always choose small businesses if I can. Agree with Cherie!

I don't see your link at MWBs Mr Linky - maybe it didn't take?

bobbie said...

Yes, yes! Give me a small shop every time.

When I was a kid, even the department stores were small. I liked it so much better.

Arkansas Patti said...

Wow, 68 years, they are doing something right.

James said...

I'm not into dress shops but I like the image with all of the bricks and the dress really stand out nicely.

maryt/theteach said...

Me too Dianne. Keep your fingers crossed that they can stay in business... :)

Daryl said...

Less is more. In a small shop you get better customer service and its nice to shop where everybody knows your name! xo

Annie Bear said...

Yes, small shops are the best, and unfortunately they are a dying breed. Pretty blue dresses along with the nice brick walls and sidewalk.


Jientje said...

... on the sunny side of the street. I love the blues and turquoises on display here. Lovely!

LadyFi said...

I hope it stays in business... And look, you've got sun!

DILLIGAF said...

I use a small shop for my vodka purchases. Bob gives me a nice discount.

Not sure if he sells anything blue though...;-)

- they should paint the hydrant blue!

Patti said...

I also hope they can stay in business. The different shades of blue are attractive here.

Beautiful sidewalks ~ fancy brick.

storyteller at Sacred Ruminations said...

Kewl window display of cute blue dresses ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

We love Luna said...

Spring dresses, it's so nice to see a blue window shop, so clean and charming like this one. Here mommy and I were tired to see only coats and winter stuffs!
Also I loved the beautiful sunny day there!
purrs and love

Anonymous said...

Small shops are the BEST and the sales people are usually much friendlier too!

Nishant said...

I always choose small businesses if I can. Agree with Cherie

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