Monday, January 18, 2010

Ruby Tuesday: Hit And Stay

This shopping cart attacked my car on a very windy day a few weeks ago.

I was just coming out of the store and saw it rolling at break neck speed across the lot toward the car.

The crashing sound echoed and shook. If sound could be seen ...

... that's what it sounded like.



Leora said...

Attack of the mad shopping cart! Oh, those winds were fierce. Love the blur you got on the cart. Those red straps really do stand out.

Cherie said...

Great shot! Love the way you got the reverberations in there. :) That must have been really scary.

Ralph said...

Honestly, what can be done about a rogue and malevolent cart? When it hits, it scratches our vehicle (and psyche) and it is not without pain either way. Such violence!

Rajesh said...

Great shot. Very apt for Ruby Tuesday.

Jim said...

Hey Dianne, I can just hear it now. Real loud!
Happy RT!
BTW, try not to touch those pretty red baby straps. You know how babies can get when out shopping too long away from civilization of fresh diapers.
And you know where those straps fit on the kids?

Margaret Gosden said...

Looks like a new cart showing off! Do hope it stopped short of the car. And what a snappy
reaction to the event!

Arkansas Patti said...

Shades of Steven King. I have had them pushed into my car but never an unprovoked, unmanned attack. Scary.

Anonymous said...

Outstanding shot. Excellent!

Hootin Anni said...

Many dents and scratches?

My Ruby Tuesday is HERE. Do come join me if you can find time today.

Suburban Girl said...

I hear it. :)

bobbie said...

Hope it didn't do any real damage. But when I see a cart flying along all by itself, it cracks me up. don't know why, but it always makes me laugh.

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

How in the world did you get that shot! It's great!

Daryl said...

I hope it didnt do too much damage to the car ... those carts seem to have some sort of self piloting mechanism

Lisa (Mountain Photog) said...

You always know where to find excitement, Dianne. LOL! I love the photo effect--very cool!

Patti said...

Great blurred movement captured here. I'll bet you thought wow - these red straps are perfect for a Ruby Tuesday post.


Anonymous said...

Great blurring of this shot to show the movement. Since I've had this very thing happen to me, I can HEAR the sound in my mind. Hope it didn't do much damage. I have some scratches on my Explorer from such an attack.
Hugs and blessings,

Carletta said...

Hope there wasn't any damage.
This is a wonderful shot!!

Felisol said...

Great shot.
A rerun, I presume.

Gunsside - Norway said...

Not a good sound, but I hope it didn't do to much damage.
Great shot however ;)

eden said...

That must be so windy then. Glad no damage done.. Great shot!

Ingrid said...

At least you got a nice picture out of the attack, lol ! Hope your car wasn't damaged !

Jientje said...

You captured the movement well! I hope the car is okay?

Unknown said...

What an original entry! Excellently expressed!

EG CameraGirl said...

Hmmm. Shopping carts on the attack are vicious! I wish shoppers would take them to the handy places placed in parking lots to contain them but I know this too much to ask as shoppers are way too busy. ;-)

Stepping off my soapbox now