Monday, February 15, 2010

Ruby Tuesday: "You Can't Miss The Entrance"

A few weeks ago I had an appointment in a nearby town. The town is very crowded, the streets are narrow, parking is impossible and virtually everything is hard to find.

Lucky for me I've been there many times. I spoke to the receptionist and she confirmed the directions and told me I could use the staff parking. In closing she mentioned that the parking was behind the building so I should use the back entrance. "You can't miss it" were her famous last words.

Well the parking was at the side, not the back. And there were 6 unmarked brown doors with giant trash bins blocking them.

Now - THIS is an entrance you can't miss. Same town, different building.



Ralph said...

Well, yo had better not 'miss' it - the river below looks cold at this time of the year. A giant red awning makes a fine ruby!

Patti said...

You especially can't miss this if you are a Ruby Tuesday blogger!
The bright reds in the world seem to pop right out at us, don't they?

The six unmarked doors must have been frustrating.

Leora said...

I can't miss that beautiful body of water - that's where my eye goes. Parking is a pain - but you could be living in New York City, where it is downright impossible, even for a fee.

Jim said...

Well, Dianne, I do hope you went around front and made it there okay.
Or were you in the wrong everyplace, building and parking lot?
Your red entrance reminds me of the fellow who lost his car keys. He was looking under the street light for them. Where did he lose them, "over there but it's dark there." You could find this entrance.
Happy RT!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Good thing you did not miss to bring the camera.

Celebrated it with Dad

Robin said...

What a gorgeous sea view - lucky people!

Hootin Anni said...

You got that's right there...shouting. Love the last photo...what a beautiful scene all around.

10 ALBUM COVERS = =scroll below my Tuesday's Heads or Tails meme to find my Ruby Tuesday.

Have a great day!!

bobbie said...

Sure can't miss that one! I wish there were more that easy to find.

Suburban Girl said...

Good marketing I would say...

Victoria said...

Wonderfully Red! Lovely!!I love how the sunlilght is shining on it..!

nice A said...

Beautiful red! And I love the leafless tree. I'm always fascinated with dead tree pictures. Here in our part of the world we don't have autumn so when a tree has no leaves, it's usually dead except for narra trees.

Daryl said...


So did you find the correct door?

Marice said...

you definitely wont! :) cute!

u may view mine here

DILLIGAF said...

'I should use the back entrance'


Now I try to be a gentleman so I will say nowt...;-)

"She would never say where she came from
Yesterday don't matter if it's gone
While the sun is bright
Or in the darkest night
No one knows
She comes and goes

Goodbye, Ruby Tuesday
Who could hang a name on you?
When you change with every new day
Still I'm gonna miss you...

Don't question why she needs to be so free
She'll tell you it's the only way to be
She just can't be chained
To a life where nothing's gained
And nothing's lost
At such a cost

Goodbye, Ruby Tuesday
Who could hang a name on you?
When you change with every new day
Still I'm gonna miss you...

There's no time to lose, I heard her say
Catch your dreams before they slip away
Dying all the time
Lose your dreams
And you may lose your mind.
Ain't life unkind?

Goodbye, Ruby Tuesday
Who could hang a name on you?
When you change with every new day
Still I'm gonna miss you...

Goodbye, Ruby Tuesday
Who could hang a name on you?
When you change with every new day
Still I'm gonna miss you... "

Love the pics babe

4D x

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

Cool Pic !
Happy Ruby Tuesday !

eden said...

What a lovely view ! Great choice of colour. Surely can't miss it.

happy ruby tuesday

♥ Kathy said...

great red! Happy Ruby Tuesday

Carletta said...

The red tent like entrance is unmistakeably a 'you can't miss it' entrance.
The view of the water is something else you don't want to miss.If I had an appointment in the building I'd hope to be seated at one of those windows with a view.
A super ruby find Dianne!

Ingrid said...

That gives a nice colorful effect !

Snooze said...

you definitely can't miss it.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Such a glowing entrance on the side of the grey building!

Anonymous said...

Yep, THIS would be easy to find.

Gotta love those famous word "you can't miss them." I've had similar experiences.