Sunday, March 14, 2010

MYM & RT: At The Car Lot

I had a few more shots (see post below for weekend reflections at the car lot) from my visit to the car dealership that I thought I'd share for ...




I have been on a kick of getting artsy fartsy with everyday objects and scenes.


Unknown said...

All Beautiful..

Victoria said...

Wonder wonderful shots.. Fantastic color!

Matty said...

Ohhh nice....I love the yellow car and red poles together. Love the yellow car itself...a lot!

Suburban Girl said...

I like your artsy fartsy streak. And I had a lot of fun with different interpretations off the early bird drop meaning.

gemini said...

I love the yellow uniquely eye-catching.

MaggieGem said...

Artsy, fartsy is good. Great shots and I'm sure you had fun! Love the yellow and red together, nice contrast.

bobbie said...

WOW! That car sure is yellow!

Daryl said...

Work it bay-bee! ArtsyFartsy suits!

Ralph said...

I could imagine you in a Challenger R/T with the 390 horsepower Hemi. In any color, but ruby would be the best! I always peruse the showroom beauties when at a dealer for service even if the wheelchair doesn't fit inside any of them :>)

Chubskulit Rose said...

Wow that's a lot of rubies.

MY Ruby Tuesday

Liz @ MLC said...

Great photos! That car is so cool. Happy MYM!

nice A said...

I'm also trying to figure out what "Early bird drop" and "Customer finished vehicles" mean:)

Carletta said...

I'm so with Rebecca on the Early Bird Drop especially with that sloping surface on the wall. :)
Love these kind of shots Dianne and I think you should continue your artsy streak. I do like how you left the 'er' off the RT Challenge - perfect for Ruby Tuesday.

Ingrid said...

Nice combination of red and yellow !

Kerri Farley said...

OH I think these are great! Perfectly combined for RT and MYM!

And thank you so much for the kind comment on my "kreations" blog. I appreciate it very much!

Auntie E said...

very funny captures. Happy Rt
My Ruby Link for you

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Great red and yellow. So bright! I wonder what they are dropping off early?

Patti said...

Great fun Dianne! I love the early bird drop sign and Classic RT is classic for our Ruby Tuesday meme.

And the customers finish the vehicles themselves? Interesting. ;-)

Stephanie V said...

Digital cameras really make photography fun. Great finds.

♥ Kathy said...

Great job with your artsy fartsy self lol Happy Ruby Tuesday!

Jientje said...

I LOVE the yellow and the red, add the black stripes and the black floor and you've got the Belgian flag!

Sandy Trefger said...

Great shots for MY and RT! Enjoyed it!
From the Heart of Texas

Jim said...

Happy RT(!!) Dianne. Did you leave your car off at the 'EARLY BIRD DROP?' We've done that, most of the time is really handy.
I didn't do RT, been and still are very busy.

I just now linked to you (my sidebar--hope it is okay) so I could check in more often. For both the blogs you keep current.
If I would update to the new blogger I could have the auto-check-for new posts feature. Some day I might do that. :)

Marice said...

great photos and i so heart that yellow car :)

u may view mine here

lynda Howells said...

love your finds for Ruby tuesday. lyndax

RW said...

Wow your photography is rocking! I love all your photos they are awesome! :)

Small Reflections said...

Impressive photo series ... enjoyed them all ... yellows, reds, and reflections too ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

Unknown said...

Isn't it amazing that we can find beauty in the most unlikely places!

maryt/theteach said...

You can get artsy fartsy anytime, Dianne! I love your RT photos. Especially the "RT challenge." Happy Spring! :)