Friday, March 5, 2010

Weekend Reflections: Puddles and Potholes

We've had a lot of snow the past 3 weeks and now it's warm so we have a lot of potholes (ouch) and a lot of puddles.

I found a tree growing in this puddle ...



cieldequimper said...

That's a very cool shot, the car adds to the reflection. Nature and pollution all in one.

Nefertiti said...

j aime bcp jolie ambiance ;O)

Carletta said...

We were looking for reflections in the same places this week Dianne. :)
The snow is melting and the trees are ready to burst out in their summer foliage.
Nice work!

Carolyn Ford said...

I really like the lighting on this shot! The tree, some ice, and the red taillight of the car create a great image. Nice one!

Sistertex said...

All those puddles are a good sign that spring is just arond the corner.

James said...

It sounds like your describing Newtown. The puddles are good for finding nice reflections like this. Trees will grow in the most amazing places. :) Great shot!

Daryl said...

Seriously, LOVE this one ..

Jan said...

Diane, I love your capture. I'm always looking for reflections in puddles, too.

Xavi said...

Great capture of this reflection!!

Victoria said...

Very it! Fabulous work!

DILLIGAF said...

I always love reflections. They are always far more truthful than the real thing eh?

Annie Bear said...

Ohhhh...I like this reflection.

We have puddles and potholes too, but it was 50 degress today.

VioletSky said...

Great photo capture! Love that splash of red in an otherwise monotone look.

Autumn Belle said...

Oh wow, what a splendid reflection of the tree on the ground. I love it!

Ingrid said...

This could be a picture from here, lol ! we always have puddles, the whole year long ! (or nearly)

maryt/theteach said...

Impressive shot, Dianne! It looks like it's in Black and White except for that little bit of red! :)

Unknown said...

I love that picture Diane. How pretty. I know what you mean about the pot holes! It is pure craziness!

Anonymous said...

Thank heavens the snow has gone!
Such an amazing cool picture.
You should sign it up for ShadowShot Sunday too.
This is organized by Tracy in Australia and is international. It started a couple of years ago when Tracy saw some of my daughter's photos of Morocco!
Her address is

I have joined in again having been a bit absent.

Matty said...

What a neat find for you. The tree actually appears to be there in the puddle. Very Nice!

Helena said...

Very cool shot! We have potholes galore in our parking lot. I should take the camera out and see what I can find. :)

Woody said...

I really like how the water disappears and reappears, carving the reflection into sections (I'm a poet and didn't know it). Very well done!

Melli said...

I can handle puddles! EVEN with trees growing in them! But the potholes are gonna be the death of me! My Expedition never minded them. The Lucerne, on the other hand, LOATHES them! Anyway... that's a lovely almost black & white picture!

Unknown said...

very nice shot! I have got to start looking for more reflections while out and about. just so drab here in Michigan right now.

John McDevitt said...

Excellent creative shot Dianne.