Tuesday, October 26, 2010

That Is One Big Blue Nut!



Lisa (Mountain Photog) said...

LOL! And the squirrel looks a bit blue, too.

As I was fetching more wood from our wood pile today (I had the wood stove going to fend off the biting cold of that blizzard I spoke of elsewhere), I came across several rather large stashes of dried mushrooms. I did the best I could to put them back as I found them but I know we will disturb them again and again as we deplete the stack. All the while, a squirrel, mad as hell, was scolding me for all he was worth. LOL!

Unknown said...

Is it edible..?
Great photograph.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Such a fun photo in all those blue tones!

Daryl said...

LOL ... I would not be surprised if he/she decided to bury it .. they dug up my window box those miserable nutters

gigi said...

Funny stuff!

Suburban Girl said...

:0 He looks like he is contemplating how to bury that one!

SouthernSass said...

LOL! Loved that shot!

EG CameraGirl said...

Ha ha ha! I think the squirrel does look a bit confused here. :)