Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Isadora and the Incident

mid week blues is right below

This week's ABC Wednesday is I

A crash came from the bedroom and then the pitter patter of 4 little feet.

Isadora - Iza - Queen of Chaos had struck again ...

As I got the camera I asked her what she had done ...

Of course I forgave her.


Roger Owen Green said...

now that is not an innocent cat!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team said...

Miss Cassie is also one of those who knock things around. I had to put my mothers teacup collection away because she was into knocking them off the shelf thus breaking them. The joys of Cats.. I wonder if these two are related?

Sylvia K said...

Ah, but who could resist that face!!! I love them! Hope you have a great day -- all of you!


Chubskulit Rose said...

Look at those beautiful eyes!

Invent and Create is my ABC, please come and see.

Unknown said...

Oh, my. How could you NOT forgive her?! She is priceless!

Ingrid said...

Lol ! I have 3 queens and one king of chaos, the king beats them all !

Ron said...

Awwww....what a CUTIE face!

Looks like she's saying, "Ooops!"

((((( Iza )))))


Elizabeth said...

I think poor Iza feels a bit guilty!
However, I'm sure she knows all will be back to rights soon!

Tiffany Franklin said...

Cute kitty!

EG CameraGirl said...

How can anyone be angry with such a sweet face. :)

Suburban Girl said...

Her face seems to be saying, "But it wasn't me!"

anthonynorth said...

That's a sweet face, indeed.

Tracy said...

Hah, Dianne,
Of course you forgave her; just like I forgave Angel-Kitty for digging all the sand out of the bowl and playing with the seashells by putting them under the closet door...really?
But we do love our kids, don't we?

jabblog said...

Who wouldn't forgive those huge, innocent eyes?

magiceye said...

she is trying to scare you?!! lol!!

Annie Bear said...

Of course! That face could get away with anything. Oh my gosh. She reminds me of a younger Lucy. Lucy is crazy about flowers and has knocked over more than her share of vases in her younger days. Now she just chews on them but they still knock over sometimes. Isadora is such a pretty girl. I love how you captured her at the scene of the crime.

Jingle said...

she looks sad,
your kindness wins, what an incredible case to show off.

amazing take.

Daryl said...

Such an innocent face ... I am sure she didnt mean to do it ... I bet that vase jumped down on its own and she had to run to escape it falling on her .. yeah that's it ...

Cezar and Léia said...

Ohmigod, her expression in the last shot is IMPRESSIVE, she is a doll, I need to present her in Luna's blog someday!
Cute post!

Marion Williams-Bennett said...

That face! Astonished, as if to say, How did you know it was me (and will this get me in trouble?)

great shot - hope the flowers were okay!

SouthernSass said...

Love that face! I would say "not guilty!" :)

Kerry said...

All cats are guilty, all of the time, but you can never really prove it.

Halie said...

Was she trying to say "What did I do?" or "Nope, that wasn't me."

abcw team

Nanka said...

Not my fault ...It was in my way!! :( seems to be the argument!!

Pat Tillett said...

Oh oh! Curiosity...
we have a tuxedo that looks just like this little cutie!

Patti said...

Good thing you forgave her...she looks scared after being naughty.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Well duh! How could you not? ;>) Those eyes! She's sooooooooooooo sorry!