Monday, November 28, 2011

Character Lines


Lea's Menagerie said...

I love both those photos!

bobbybegood1 said...

Character lines? You funny. I see character lines EVERYDAY I look in the mirror. Great post. Cheers!!

Cherie said...

I love autumn leaves like that ... on an individual basis. ;)

Karen said...

Fabulous detail!

Sylvia K said...

Terrific captures and I do love the detail! Fantastic!


Ron said...

BRILLIANT post title, Dianne!


And I LOVE the photos! The detail and colors are STUNNING!


Daryl said...

Oh wow .. love these

Martha Z said...

Beautiful, simple, simply beautiful. You made works of art out of these two leaves, Diane.

Lisa (Mountain Photog) said...

Love that oak leaf!

Ingrid said...

Very creative !

Laura said...

absolutely gorgeous!!!

Cloudia said...

Amazing shots
great title
awesome post!

Aloha from Waikiki

Comfort Spiral

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Unknown said...

I am amazed how two same name but different characteristics. Just human I guess hehe. Happy Monday!

Peas in a Pod

Linda said...

what a great shot!!

Kala said...

Wonderful details of the lines and textures of the leaves.

Happy Macro Monday

Ida said...

Fabulous. Great detail with the way the sunlight and shadows are playing along the lines of this leaf. Nicely done.

Anonymous said...

I love the lighting and textures of the second leaf. It looks thick and leathery.

Roan said...

Both leaves are very nice, but really like the light vs shadow in the last one.

Debbie said...

wow....these are really pretty!! it's amazing what you can do with brown!!

Cezar and Léia said...

Perfect macro shots, the texture in the second shot is awesome!
Léia and little Luna