There is a geese crossing in a shopping/office complex near me. The folks who built the complex were very nature friendly. They improved the pond and saved much of the woods surrounding the complex.
When the geese decide to parade from the pond (behind the white fence) across the complex entrance and into the woods a horn sounds and the stoplight turns red immediately. I think there is a motion detector at goose height that sets this all off.
One goose will always wait at the fence until everyone is safe.
I was several cars back and couldn't catch the crossing but I did catch the crossing guard.
A goose crossing? That is the best thing EVER! What a fantastic idea!
My parents have the best photo of me, when I was about 13, being chased by a goose. I must get them to dig it out :)
jackie - I was chased by a goose a few years ago. I had just had a pedicure and noticed some babies behind the salon's back entrance. well Mama Goose took exception to me peeking and chased me - flip-flops and giant toe separators and all - all the way to my car
I know I didn't look as cute as you did as a girl ;)
I love their elegant neck, so cute. Visit my Canadian geese here too and thanks.
That's awesome! What an idea to have a motion detector at goose level for a street light! And I love the "crossing guard". I would have never imagined such a thing. :)
Oh my gosh I loooove that. There have been a lot of duck crossings on my road always puts a smile on my face. ;)
I guess it must be goose season, because there sure are a lot of posts about geese. They are such big, beautiful birds, but you gotta not get on their bad side. Nice photos:)
I don't think I would even attempt to chase these guys, they might chase me back!
That crossing must eb something to see :) Great capture of the guard goose though!
These are wonderful! Everyone should have a crossing! Thanks!
Geese are funny and can be rather hostile at times, too!
"The Crossing Guard" I LOVE it! What a neat idea.
Wow lots of folks have pics of Canadian geese today. I remember taking my oldest niece to a park once when she was maybe three or four, and a goose chased her because we unknowingly got too close to the brood. Darn thing was tall as she was!
Happy Critturday!
Tink *~*~*
Just hangin’ around at Disney’s Animal Kingdom
funny pix you have. Chase by goose? Did they catch u up? Scary but this is so cool shot!
Happy Sunday!
The crossing guard looks very proud to be performing this duty!
That reminds me, my younger daughter was chased once by a goose and I was busy shooing it away. :)
It's nice they are geese-friendly.
I played too :)
That's beautiful!
WOW! Kudos to those wonderful 'nature friendly' people. Superb images!
Animal behaviors are fascinating; you have to wonder what they are thinking at times like this.
Great shots!
He/She is a very plump goose!
I think it's wonderful what they're doing to protect them.
It almost looks like a statue!
Oh how wonderful .. sort of you own version of those ducks in the hotel in Memphis ... I stayed there .. of course now I cant think of the name ... ahh .. The Peabody!
What a great idea, everyone wins. Enjoyed your photos and post very much.
How kewl is that! Love the idea and your photos are fantastic ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
Geese are brave! So are ducks. Both have been known to stop traffic in a couple of large towns near here to cross the street to ponds. ;-)
I love these geese. I always wish some would pass this way but so far no luck.
Wow it looks very proud in his position as a crossing guard, :-) !
that is so interesting!
How adorable. Who knew they had crossing guards too. :)
He does look pensive some...
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