I got as close as possible to the edge and found ...

As soon as I made a move he started to take off into the reeds ...

Right before I left I noticed his buddy. He'd been sitting there the whole time, totally unmoved by my presense.

As I got back in the car there was a racket coming from far back in the reeds. I assume Mr. Long White Neck was telling everyone else that I was leaving.
I guess I was a bit like the paparazzi to him.
A great little story to go along with some great photos. I really enjoyed it.
It's great seeing the birds out again.
I played too :)
LOL! Would totally do the same thing. I couldn't resist an opportunity to get cool shots like these.
Nice captures!
Fun commentary! Love the photos, too!
Great post and photos, Dianne. I love capturing egrets, too.
Great catch of the bird!
she's pretty white bird.
hahahaha Yes, I often hear the critters telling the other critters about my presence. You got some great shots though!
I love sunflowers and would certainly LOVE a really GIANT one!!! :) I like big things like elephants and giraffes too!! ;)
Beautiful things these buddies, huh?! :) It was difficult to resist the temptation of being a paparazzi for 15 minutes, right?! I always have my camera with me in case I find an opportunity like this one to capture such nice moments.
Thanks for coming by ;) take care and keep smiling! Kisses!
My long white neck looks like it might be a snowy egret. We've got lot of them in FL. Maybe he's visiting family in NYC!
Bashful, but beautiful!
I saw a blue harein (sp) in a field and every inch I got closer he was more fearful of me and keep flying off a little farther away. Too bad when I was trying to download the photos I lost many of them =(
Funny post.
It's possible that this cc meme is turning us all into critter paparazzi!!
The critters might form a union and start demanding payment for use of thier image ;)
On another note, I've set up a "directory" page on the main gritfx website for my cc posts. I'd like to add some links to other cc participants - yourself included. If you're interested in being added, send me a website/blog badge (120pixels wide x 80pixels) to manz76@live.com.
Manz's Camera Critters Page
Looks like a Great Egret to me. They are beautiful birds and I always wonder how the fish that they catch can fit down those long skinny necks?
thanks for the visit Diane! lovely photos you have here:)
Is the white bird a heron or an egret? Great photo!
All this outdoor life is the best part of the spring
lol....yes, you probably were like the paparazzi! haha
Excellent captures!
One of those birds shows up in the little pond behind out apartment building from time to time. I'm not good at bird names, but it's so majestic and beautiful.
Psst.. Misty scares away LOTS of animals. ;)
lol! never thought of it before, but I guess we are paparazzi.
Very nice photos your have here. I love the Canadian Goose. They are so regal looking.
Glad Mia is doing good and no heart condition. Is Mia and Siren becoming friendly again? Lisa
Oh that's typical - when I am chasing once sort there is another right under my nose! Still - you got them both Dianne! Great shots.
A few people have said that Mr. Long White Neck is an egret and I defer to those who know better than I do - I'm terrible at naming birds or flowers
thanks also for all the love for Mia
She is doing much better, the biggest issue is she hates her new food
And she refuses to allow Siren anywhere near her
As I've always said - kitten steps, kitten steps ;)
Wonderful photos!
Being a celebrity is tough! I would say that his friend was a more cooperative one. Great post. Have a nice week, Dianne :)
wonderful captures!
Great photsand I love your comments on what the birds may have been thinking :-)
Great photos, Dianne! I just love the clean bright white accented by the yellow beak. Thanks for sharing these!
Great shots! I love watching cranes and herons.
Lovely series of photos ... enjoyed learning of your experience in capturing them too ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
Nice shots! You just reminded me that I haven't posted my camera critters yet!
Mr long white neck looks lovely against those brown reeds.
Thanks for your comments on my blog. :-)
Beautiful white bird. And I guess the goose didn't mind. I tried to get some pictures of some geese yest. and as soon as I went up to them the swam away.
Egrets do seem to be a little shy. :) Fun shots though!
Very nice egret, glade that you get the photo before it disappeared. Thanks for visiting our blog.
Herons and geese oh my!
Down in FL near the condo there are always lots of baby herons .. there's a wildlife preserve across the canal
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