Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ruby Tuesday: On the Dock of the Bay



Linnea said...

Oh..that's a great shot. I love the colors and the perspective. I wonder what's in those red boxes...Happy RT!

Patti said...

Aha! you beat me to posting this morning. Happy Ruby Tuesday anyway :-D

I love the perspective of this shot.

Are those tanks filled with fuel for boats? Can't figure it out.

bobbie said...

It is a great shot. They look like soldiers marching along the pier.

Sherrie said...

Beautiful shot! All those reds and blues going on down the boardwalk! Have a great day!!


Daryl said...

Very patriotic ... jaunty and so very summer-ish .. on this dreary day its a mood/spirit lifter!

Unknown said...

Great photo, Dianne! Wonderful composition and color.

Have a great week, Luv. I have given you an award but no obligation as always.


EG CameraGirl said...

I'd love to be standing on the dock on a warm sunny day. Where are all the seagulls?

ellen b. said...

Hi Dianne! Lovely shot. Now that dock would be a great place to be today! It's sweltering in southern California! Happy Ruby to you.

Anonymous said...

I like the angle of your shot. Great job.

bj said...

Great RED post..
Now, I noticed something about ITCHY BALLS and gotta go over and see what THAT'S about...lol

Ralph said...

This looks like my neighborhood...after I make my first million!

dot said...

I like to see things lined up all nice and neat like that. I was wondering what was in those red boxes also so I clicked on the picture and wow...it came alive! lol.

RA said...

Lovely rubies on the dock! What are these red items? Have a great week, Dianne :)

Ingrid said...

That's a nice shot !

Anonymous said...

I like those wooden platforms around docks something about walking on them giving a nice feel. Those red are distinctive and looking good on the dock as well :)

diane b said...

Lovely pic with great depth of field.

Tina said...

lovely scene. tells me the summer is here and ready!

Nancy said...

I enjoy coastal scenes, this is great!!

Leora said...

Neat perspective. My eye is attracted to all the whites. The reds are like an embellishment. Nice pattern. And how it ends with a sign of red and white.

maryt/theteach said...

How did I miss your Ruby Tuesday post, Dianne? Happy Ruby Tuesday!

Happily Retired Gal said...

Hmmm ... I didn't play this week but I do love this photo and the title you gave it ;--)
Hugs and blessings,