Pagan is hosting 'Think Green Thursday' - you can read all about it HERE. She is having some technical issues but wanted to start on Earth Day so have a little patience and be a little flexible. If anyone can answer her tech questions please help - I'd really appreciate it.
Mary has started 'Window Views'. Check it out HERE. If it's half as successful as Ruby Tuesday it's going to be great.
My photo seemed appropriate for both ...

Lots of green in front of lots of windows in a greenhouse.
Seems to meet both memes. And it's a very pretty picture as well.
Earth Day is the perfect day for Think Green, isn't it? I'm glad it started today. Hope all goes well with both new adventures.
Perfect for both.
I didn't know that window views was new or was Mary's. I think I ran across it somewhere.
Thank you for participating and for helping me shout for help!
Hi Dianne! Great view from the greenhouse window. Love the muted feel. I'm always impressed with anyone who has a greenhouse or potting shed :0)
Your photo IS perfect for both. I love plants. Thats a pretty one...
Very nice shot! Love it, makes me feel so springy. Especially around the snow coming down over here.
Very nice photo! Great photo events starting today.
Highly appropriate for both! Thanks for visiting my view.
Goodness gracious, there are new photo memes popping up everywhere! If I were to start doing them all, I'd never have to wonder about what to write again - woohoo!
This picture is great for both of the new memes. Best wishes to both women on their new endeavors!
Yup, that shot is perfect for both. And, you obviously have a much greener thumb than me. I'll have to hold out for "dead black plants Thursday". There's not much green that survives around me.
I love all the empty pots in the scene. And the cityscape in the back is intriguing.
I'm better at outdoor plants than indoor. Can't remember to water anything. Mother Nature has been doing a good job of bringing rain to NJ lately.
looks like a room for a serious gardener.:D
Nothing so nice as green plants to cheer us!
Thinking Green on Earth Day! Love it!
Hey, come on over to my blog; I'm having a giveaway! Everybody welcome!
What a way to kill two birds with one stone, Di ;o)
I enjoy greenhouses and garden centers. I would buy every plant and flower they have there if I could :o)
A perfect shot, Dianne, to begin our "Window Views" meme. I'm so happy you've joined my meme and Pagan Sphinx's meme. Happy Earth Day! And Happy Window Views! :)
Nice window view !
Beautiful shot!
Is that your Greenhouse?
If so than I'm envious :D
That's a beautiful view of your green house! I've always wanted one of those! I'm very envious! Have a great day!!
It looks like the plants are thriving from the view of their window.
Kathy b
Hi Everyone!!
thanks for all the great comments
The greenhouse is at a local garden center
I wish I had a greenhouse! I did have a small plastic greenhouse but it was destroyed in a storm
happy earth day. It isa lovely shot, I especially love the blurred view through the glass and the brightness of the plant and the pots in comparison. The slate floor also brings out the color of the pots.
Maybe that's why we all play the photo meme's, It's easier to plop an image onto the screen via the visual, but more difficult to create those same images with words. It might be a fun exercise to describe your image????
Anyway--I ramble. Thanks for stopping by.
Your post surely does fit both green and windows. Great job!
Happy Earth Day Dianne (better late than never). Your plants look very happy. I used to be so good at indoor plants, but I've lost my touch, they're all really ragged and dying now. One day I'll get my mojo back though!
Lovely new memes and your photo fits both so well! Have a great day, Dianne :)
Very nice! Love all the empty pots too.
Perfect for both. I'd love to see that window again when all the little pots are filled.
Oh I would love to own a greenhouse attached to my home. This is beautiful. What fun.
Thanks for visiting me today also. Please come back often.
Boy this really does fit both new challenges and that is a gorgeous plant! hope to see you in the new thematic challenges!
Lovely job of multi-tasking. I'd heard of Mary's new 'window' meme but not the Pagan Sphinx 'green' one. Thanks for sharing.
Hugs and blessings,
Great shot. I love the big green plant with the disarray of pots around it. Thanks for sharing.
Nice window and light
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