He was watching the squirrels ...

Until he noticed me ...

Then he told everyone I was home.

Gunner's fur was shaved in places for some med tests. I didn't notice that when I first took the photos. He's fine and healthy, just some allergies and I think he's quite handsome even with his crazy haircut.
Gunner never barks when he see his friends, only strangers. When he's out in the yard he woofs once to catch my attention and then wags his tail - actually he shakes his rump - and then he waits for me to come pet him.
When he's ready to go inside he barks once and then sits at the side door waiting to be let in.
He is much better behaved than most of the human neighbors.
What a handsome boy!!! He looks just like my Rocco :( whom I miss terribly.....
Mine is up over at my pet blog.
I've noticed that's true of many dogs and neighbors. Definitely a good dog to watch the squirrels without chasing them!
The perfect watchdog I miss mine so..Sandy
He sure sounds like a great dog, and neighbor.
Handsome and smart. With a really great name!
Gunner is quite handsome and such a good neighbor. Yep! Let me have the animals as neighbors and kick the two-leggeds out!
He's a beautiful dog!
Sounds like a good neighbor! Cute dog.
What a good dog and great friend.
Hello friend!
He seems to be a clever dude!Cute indeed!
Thanks for your kind visit and comment in my blog! You are so sweet and I loved your blog!
purrs from Brazil
Luna ( weloveluna.blogspot.com)
and mommy Léia
Hi Dianne! Gunner is a handsome guy. Glad everything worked out with the tests for him. At least he will be cool in some spots. Lisa
Good boy Gunner...you're sure a handsome dog too!
When we lived in California, we had a yellow lab named Gunnar. Then we moved to Florida started a business called Gunnar Racing. Then we had a son & named him Gunnar. Needless to say...we LOVE the name Gunnar...this Gunner is a beautiful dog:)
Gunner - That is a unique name!
I think he knows you blog about him. :)
He's a lovely dog, and a great neighbor I am sure. I enjoyed your photos, thank you.
he sounds like a really delightful pet. :)
happy CC!
He's a beauty !!!
I love golden labs, they have such wonderful natures..
he certainly sounds like the right sought of neighbour to have. Much better than my current ones!
Buster thinks he will pop over and hang out with Gunnar!
He looks a cool dude!
Gunner is a lovely dog, Thanks for sharing, and participating in loving your neighbors dog. That's awesome.
He's a cute fellow !
Well, he's a Labrador - he looks like our first Lab - and I love Labradors - and Dalmatians - and Jack Russells; there aren't many I don't love (cats, too!) Hope the poor boy manages his allergies okay through the summer. Lovely sequence of photos!
He sounds like a friendly nice dog! Thanks for your visit.
What a cute and handsome dog indeed! And quite well behaved too it seems. Happy Memorial Day :)
What a great series of pics, and beautiful dog!
What a sweet looking dog. Nice to have as a neighbor!
Love the story of him telling everyone you were home. Looks like a golden retriever.
Aw... he's adorable.
Love Gunner .. what a nice neighbor!
Nifty critter post! Gunner seems like a wonderful fur-friend indeed.
Hugs and blessings,
hey at least hes a good look out then for trespassers and stuff ;)
Aww, Gunner is very handsome, he sounds like a great dog. :-)
Gunner sounds like a great neighbor and true friend. And he is a handsome guy.
The dog who lives behind us seems to have a cadence of barks when he is waiting to be let in. He barks, pauses, barks, etc.
Doesn't surprise me. Dogs in general are much better people than most people. And based on his photo series, I can picture the one-woof-butt-wag welcome. And the fearsome warning off if he doesn't know you.
He sounds like a great character - I'd love neighbours like him!
He is handsome!
Sounds like he makes the perfect guard dog... and I see he makes the perfect door man :)
Love him! He would have lots of fun playing with our Sam. BTW: Sam does not bark either, just when he's ready to come in. Just like Gunner. You cannot say that about other dogs around though. Some of them are barking as early as 5:30 am!
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