You should check out PIC A THEME - there are some really talented and creative photographers displaying their photos there. I'm grateful to be part of the team.
The snow blower was sitting out in the carport waiting to be serviced for its long summer rest.

The snow blower is wearing its ID tag from the snow blower hospital.

I don't know about you but when I hear the snow blower engine rumbling and when I see it vibrating like a demon I always think - gee, maybe I should put my arm in there.

Our carpot was stripped and power washed and the painters left the ladders since they were coming right back. Sat there for two weeks.

That little bit of red on the post my son painted red/white/blue for Memorial Day is what I see when I back the car up the drive. Yes - I'm too close - what else is new.

I was searching through my purse at the grocery and looked down to see this cool little display of red squares over concrete diamonds.

Check out all the red at RUBY TUESDAY
Thanks for the RED photos. I liked the snow blower the best since I have never seen one. Now I know what they look like.
~~~ I'm have a Pay It Forward on my blog. If you're interested, stop on by ~~~
Oh Dianne! These are wonderful! I really LIKE that grocery cart shot! And the snow blower's hospital bracelet! LOL! You're a joy!
Cool pics, thanks for sharing. You are funny too.
What creative ideas for RT! There's a snow blower hospital?! Anywhere you get a bracelet is fine with me.
Now that is a very Ruby Post. thanks for sharing:-)
So many memes! I'll check out the Pic a Theme one. Just found a Color Carnival meme this morning, too.
You have a celebration of red photos today! Really like the mirror with comment about your son.
The color red is everywhere !
JC - you should see them in action!! it's quite a sight
melli - ahhhhh - thanks!! you're always so kind to me
martha - thanks! I love to make people laugh - it's healing
stephanie - there is indeed, and they take lawn mowers too
we're really good customers but I have never gotten my own bracelet ;)
auntie e - thanks :)
leora - I saw the carnival of colors badge too!! I had to look away LOL - it's like photo crack
I saw your comment over at Pic A theme, thanks for visiting - the photos are really pretty there
each Memorial Day since we bought the house my son paints something in honor of the soldiers - and each Labor Day he paints something his union color - which happens to be red
mammapippas - it sure is!! :)
Dianne, did you know that homeowner snowblowers were invented while I was in high school. They were a luxury that most (and us) didn't have.
Of course we don't have them down here in the Houston area, just lawn mowers that go year around.
Happy RT, I like your post.
Do you think I could do an 'Adi' theme?
jim - first of all - I think Adi should be featured all the time!! :) - she's a delight
we made it thru the first few winters here with good old shovels but then my son started doing the drive for all our elderly neighbors (he's like that) and I ended up doing ours while he did theirs LOL
finally he decided to get the blower - funny thing is there has only been one big storm since he got it - figures
What clever shots .. turn the ordinary into the fascinating .. I think I love the red thru the mirror and the looking down at the cart the best!
Dear Dianne,
You picture display mad me laugh real loud.
I wonder why warning signs provoke instead of enlighten.
The worst are the lids on coffee cups, Obs! contains hot beverage.
This arm sign was horrifying.
Perhaps some young boy will be tempted to see if its true?
Your snow blower was quite some machine.
My father would have loved it. He bought two. They were too poor to be of any use. Now a farmer is coming with his full grown tractor to help my mother.
The rear view mirror and the red pole also gave me a good laugh. Had to show it to my husband.
Isn't it healthy being able to laugh instead of crying.
A good laugh makes the life longer, is a Norwegian saying.
Well, you have added some time to my life.
From Felisol
I particularly loved the sign... isn't it absurd what things manufacturers and others have to go through to protect themselves from lawsuits... especially when a little common sense should tell you not to stick your hand into an unknown place.
Great and cheering selection.
Lots of intriguing red shots around your house. The snowblower makes me break out in hives though - not because of the snow (though I don't like that much anymore either), but because as a teenager I had several (yes several) very expensive misshaps with our snowblower. Needless to say the next year that particular chore was crossed off my list.
Poor snow blower, hospilazed. Guess somebody putted a iron fist in it.. ;) Happy RT!
Target shopping cart? Am I right?
Great shots Dianne and nice angles on all!
Congrats on the upcoming Grandma adventure - there is nothing like it! :)
The amount of reds around our home and in our travels is huge! We have a Toro snow thrower, for instance. The shopping carts, etc. are not appreciated for their's about time I did!
Great photos...each one. I like the perspectives...nice blends of tones and light, too.
Each one is a beauty.
your Ruby pics are great and your sense of humor makes them awesome! Of course when I hear a snow blower I want to shove my arm in there as well! Your very funny so I'll be back.....
That's a great collection of red! Interesting shots. I like the last one. I wouldn't think to take a picture of that. Cool.
Lots of red, interesting too that most stuffs in the shed are with a little red or lots of red. I guess it's a warning color to be careful :)
Your "oh gee.." comment really made me laugh. I love these shots. Especially the close-ups.
Very interesting rubies! I haven't seen red grocery carts here. Have a wonderful day, Dianne
Great collection of ruby shots. I don't remember seeing red shopping carts here, and we have no use for snow blowers, this is my first look at one...ever! Interesting to see how people live in other places. :)
That's one beautiful collection of reds :D
My Fav is the sign - ouch :)
Great shots, very intersting angles and details.
Great ruby pictures! I especially like the little bit of red you captured in the car mirror.
It looks like you had fun going through your photos. You certainly found tons of RED! ;-)
Interesting mix of red stuff for Ruby Tuesday.
The side-view mirror with the bit of red is my fave as well.
I like the text accompanying your pix.
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