Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Window Views: On The Deck



ellen b. said...

I think I'm ready for a meal out at someplace like this :0)
Have a great rest of the week Dianne!

Lew said...

I bet the view from inside is beautiful and the food is great!

Eaton Bennett aka Berenice Albrecht said...

I agree, the view is probably breathtaking. Is it of the sea? :)

Robin said...

Seafood shack? It's got that kind of feel to it (or is that just wishful thinking on my part?).

Dianne said...

Yes the restaurant is by the sea
It's in Atlantic Highlands, NJ
There was over an hour wait for a table and the deck was closed for a private party so I never got inside
we ended up eating hot dogs from a pushcart and talking to cranky old fishermen
But I got tons of great photos so I was happy

Author said...

Looks an interesting place - pity you didn't get to eat there! Although hot-dogs sound just fine!

My entry is here:

Daryl said...

Oh I like this ...

Unknown said...

That looks like a neat place indeed.
But I think I would rather go with what you did. Hotdogs, snapping beautiful pics and talking to cranky old fishermen :D

Tina said...

i love the building styles over your end. so much different to ours

Julie said...

That looks like it would be a great place to sit outside and eat.

Ingrid said...

After 10 days of mosaic windows and rather redish colors, your windows look nice and blue !

Hildegarde said...

"A view bar", looks great, makes me curious for the view, i like the colors too.

storyteller's other blog said...

What a nifty shot! Love the windows in this interesting building ;--)
Hugs and blessings,