Monday, October 26, 2009

Ruby Tuesday: Sad Shack

During summer weekends the green shuttered window is wide open and all sorts of cool summer drinks are sold.

I love the weathered wood.

The top shot is not edited. I then washed the entire shot with a red tint. It made me think of a blazing sunset or a nuclear disaster movie.



Annie Bear said...

LOL...I prefer the blazing sunset to a nuclear disaster movie. The first pic definitely looks like a beach shack or something like that.

Some day you'll have to post a pic of Mia. I was wondering how old she is and what kind of illness she has that she has to be on a special diet and meds. Is her illness the reason she doesn't have much energy do you think? I know you mentioned she doesn't move much. Just when I thought it wasn't possible for Lucy to be any more sedintary, she is. I really hope it isn't indicative of some kind of illness coming on.


ellen b said...

I really do enjoy seeing weathered old buildings like this. Nice shot for RT!

Ralph said...

The building is nondescript in style, but the visceral things jump at you in the Summer: the animated crowds waiting for their treat, the fried smalls from within. Not haute cuisine, but the fun in the warm weather. Of course, at some of the places, I think the order takers would ask if we would "like a side of sand with your fries?"...

dot said...

Nuclear disaster? Wow! lol.

I love weathered wood too. Nice picture.

Dimple said...

The red wash is OK, but the unedited picture is wonderful! The weathered wood contrasts the painted really well, and the details are more evident. Nice post.

Jim said...

I like the first one better. My imagination at this time of night isn't working very good for the other. In the first I can imagine those customers, just wonder what the picnic area looks like. And is there any food, what the customers are wearing, what are they drinking ...
Happy Ruby Tuesday!

bichonpawz said...

End of summer is sad! You have captured that very well in the first shot. The second! What an imagination! I much prefer the SUN to the nuclear disaster...

bobbie said...

Weathered wood is a lovely sight. Calming. I love old buildings.

pinkyshelo said...

Old buildings reminds me of old times...

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I love weathered wood also. It seems to have it's very own personality.

Hootin Anni said...

Ya, this does remind me of the bomb's light reflecting....eerie.

My Ruby Tuesday is big huge LIPS this morning...come by if you can?

Click HERE

Casdok said...

There is something about weathered wood. Lovely photo.

Raven said...

That second shot does have the look of mid or post-nuclear drama. Cool shot.

Daryl said...

Weathered look is comforting ... but that red wash is fun .. sometimes it takes mixing it up a bit ... it looks as if it got sunburned!

Stephanie V said...

Interesting how the red wash changed the weathered old boards into something so bright. I kind of like the weathered look, though.

storyteller said...

Perfect choices for Ruby Tuesday. Methinks I prefer the first because the second is SCARY! Last night I learned a PSE6 technique that might have been fun to use on either photo. I'll be experimenting as time permits and will share when I come up with something worth publishing. Hope you're having a wonderful week. Thanks for dropping by Small Reflections.
Hugs and blessings,

Felisol said...

The first picture reminds me of a thousand past summer days from my childhood, standing in line waiting for ice cream in roomy biscuits.
Wet bathing suit and sand in my shoes.
I like the sharp edges and shadows made by the sun.
he second,-a bit spooky, but thanks to the first, i am not scared at all.
From Felisol

maryt/theteach said...

Great photo unedited... great photo washed in RED... Happy Ruby Tuesday Dianne! :)

EG CameraGirl said...

I love the look of weathered wood, Dianne. But you probably already know how fond I am of barns. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Nuclear disaster movie, interesting interpretation of the edits =D

Ingrid said...

For red it's red, lol !

I can almost do anything with my cat Arthur, when he sleeps he sleeps:) !

Patti said...

I like the "nuclear disaster movie" concept. haha

I also prefer the first one. Like your title!

Happy Ruby Tuesday from the multi-tasker.

Anonymous said...

I love its color. I'd certainly go buy something to drink from there. ;-)

Paz (who loves both photos)

Lisa (Mountain Photog) said...

Nuclear disaster. LOL! I love your imagination. That is a great shot. I love old buildings like that. . .