Before I enlarged it I was thinking a whale. After enlarging and seeing the two eyes I imagined a huge white fish with a wide mouth like a bass swallowing the sky. I'm looking into his mouth at the part of the sky he has already sucked in. :) This was fun! Such thick texture to your cloudy shot.
At first, I saw a large brain. Then I saw a whale jumping over something. Reminds me of Shamu at Sea World. I think God must have fun with the clouds. This is a great picture!
Looks like a macro image of a puppy or a baby seal's face (dark part being the muzzle) or even of a duckling.. not that they look anything alike.. yet..
You're teasing, right? You didn't see anything. You just want to imagine us all squinting and struggling to come up with something. ;)
That is a great photo, Dianne! Very dark and brooding. Perfect for the upcoming holiday. :) And the contrast of dark and light is beautiful. I, too saw a brain, then I saw an Elephant man. Rorschach would enjoy this one. LOL!
Well, I can see the brain, but that is so..well, something. Didn't imagine anything else, but thanks for encouraging me to try! Thanks also for stopping by!
i see a grey french poodle turned black as he tries to struggle out of the pool of water and the dark sky that dianne has captured with her help in sight for the poor guy! and just to think..worse yet! that picture imperfect wants to gobble the poor dear up! is there any justice in this world dianne? terry
I see two eyes, a nose and lots of fur. I'm thinking a stuffed animal, perhaps a floppy dog, is hiding in those clouds.
I see a mans face with a bad bad hairpiece, will bald people never learn.
Before I enlarged it I was thinking a whale. After enlarging and seeing the two eyes I imagined a huge white fish with a wide mouth like a bass swallowing the sky. I'm looking into his mouth at the part of the sky he has already sucked in. :)
This was fun!
Such thick texture to your cloudy shot.
The first thing I saw was a huge crab. But there are many other small creatures surrounding it.
Marvelous capture. It looks like smoke from a fire. Well done.
Beautiful image! I see a ham sandwich on rye...with just a hint of mustard.
Honestly...I'm so baaad at seeing hidden images....sorry.
Possibly a poodle or maybe Kathryn's ham sandwich. Don't suppose there is a right or wrong here. Fun to try.
i see pac man...or a big lobster's claw reaching out.
thanks for stopping by my place. :)
At first, I saw a large brain. Then I saw a whale jumping over something. Reminds me of Shamu at Sea World. I think God must have fun with the clouds. This is a great picture!
I see someone kneeling and praying!
Come and take a look some gorgeous parts of Mt. Seorak in Korea.
A mouth with a tongue about to lick its lips
Looks like a macro image of a puppy or a baby seal's face (dark part being the muzzle) or even of a duckling.. not that they look anything alike.. yet..
You're teasing, right? You didn't see anything. You just want to imagine us all squinting and struggling to come up with something. ;)
Looks to me that the dark part has no
My first thought was a brain. I love the depth and texture in this photo.
Calico Contemplations
That is a great photo, Dianne! Very dark and brooding. Perfect for the upcoming holiday. :) And the contrast of dark and light is beautiful. I, too saw a brain, then I saw an Elephant man. Rorschach would enjoy this one. LOL!
Well, I can see the brain, but that is so..well, something. Didn't imagine anything else, but thanks for encouraging me to try!
Thanks also for stopping by!
I see an ice cream cone!!!
Mmmmm.... ice creaaammmmm.... *drool*
This is an awesome picture Dianne! I love the dark skies too. Thank you for sharing!
Hi Dianne! I love this photo. I see a jellyfish drifting along without a care in the world. Lisa
(Are you going to tell us what you see?)
The Loch Ness monster, a snake or bird head??
It was fun reading all the comments!
I don't really see anything, but that doesn't stop me from liking this. There's a lot of texture in those clouds.
Simply phenomenal!!!!!
i see a grey french poodle turned black as he tries to struggle out of the pool of water and the dark sky that dianne has captured with her help in sight for the poor guy!
and just to think..worse yet! that picture imperfect wants to gobble the poor dear up! is there any justice in this world dianne? terry
Very interesting concept, nice see the comments of others. I see a duck; the dark part being it's bill and shadow on it's neck.
I see the wrath of God!
such dramatic clouds you've captured, Dianne ~
Gee, I thought I'd be the only one to see a brain. I guess I was wrong! Fun stuff. I like seeing pics in clouds!
Two beady eyes and a big gaping maw... Is this a Rorschach test, Dianne? Great shot! :)
I loved reading what you all saw
I saw a sleeping face in the lower right corner
I saw a basket handle in the center
and thru-out the clouds I saw little peaks or drops of splashing water or nipples - I couldn't decide on that one
WOW ... amazing sky! I see a huge monster's head ... perhaps breathing FIRE or smoke!
Hugs and blessings,
Oh I missed this shot before. It really is delicious!
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