Friday, November 6, 2009

Looking At The Sky On Friday: Halloween Moon

The day got gray and rainy late Saturday afternoon - Halloween.

Then the moon appeared

It did a high wire act

Even the bees were amazed



bobbie said...

That little bee is amazing herself.

The moon is sitting on the wire.

Ingrid said...

Hahaha ! sorry but I admire more the little be then the skies !

magiceye said...

lovely series!

Anonymous said...

Awesome photo narration. Love it.


Daryl said...

Oh I love moons .. and chubby cheeks that cry out to be kissed

Lisa (Mountain Photog) said...

What a great photo story, Dianne! Beautiful photos of the moon and such a wonderful picture of Hope! One thing's for sure, she'll never be able to complain, "Why aren't there any pictures of me when I was little?" LOL!

Calico Crazy said...

I love the moon series, but the baby bee is the winning shot for me.

Calico Contemplations

Annie Bear said...

The sky was perfect for Halloween. So was the moon. It was sweet to see a baby bee enjoying it too. :)


Ralph said...

That moon is impressive, and you seem to have captured that lunar orb as balancing on the PSE&G wire. Nice there, it rained on Oct 31 up here...Cute bee, too!

Patti said...

Aw, that little bee is bee-utiful

I love the moon doing a high wire act, Your moon photos are great, Dianne. I keep trying to shoot good moon pix. Not easy.

Happy Sky Looking!

bichonpawz said...

What a cute bee!! Fabulous set of moon shots. I have absolutely no luck with moon shots! You did good!!

Jackie said...

That is a very cute shot, she obviously takes after her nan :) (gran, granny? What do you call yoursef in relation to her?)

I'm impressed with your moon shots. Every single time I've ever tried, EVER, they've been rubbish!

Tink *~*~* said...

Wonderfully spooky sky for Halloween!

Tink *~*~*

Dimple said...

Good shot, balancing on the wire! And he (she?)is an amazing bee, as well!
Thanks for visiting!

Liz said...

I love the cute little bee! The moon shots looked eerie.

Thanks for visiting. Happy LATSOF!

Cherie said...

That was an eerie sight. Great for Halloween, and Hope looked so cute in her costume. :)

Anonymous said...

This has got to be the cutest bumblebee I've ever seen. He looks so serious. ;-) Next year he'll really get into the fun!

Carly said...

Beautiful moon, but the bee was the cutest thing!!!