click to enlarge - it looks better
We are well into the 90 Days of Christmas. Displays and commercials appeared before Halloween.
All the stores are having "super sales" and "uber sales" and "open early/close late" and .... blah-blah-blah
It's so obnoxious.
Stay above the fray my friends.
I like this shot!
Nice perspective.
Every year I am drained just thinking of shopping because it gets thrown in your face way too soon.
Funky reds. I'll stay away from the stores until Dec. 26 - then it's sale time! Whee!
Very KEWL ruby shot ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
Great shot! I like the way you've framed it.
Oh... the pre-Hallowe'en Christmas marketing. It gives me a headache. I'm another one who avoids the stores until after Christmas. I don't even bother with the Boxing Day sales.
I even plan my Christmas shopping in advance so that I can minimize my time out when the carols are playing!
This bunch of ruby carts are stacked up like the cars in front of the tollbooths of the GWB. I never thought much of heavy-duty shopping in the season, let alone black Friday. Giving is what counts, not massive and competitive shopping for 'gifts'. The true giver gives wisdom and values from the heart. Good observations about the holiday...
What imagination - what great perspective - the carts and your thoughts on commercialism. B
That's a great shot, Dianne! Love all that red and the strong lines. Must be at Target?
And I so agree about the stores being obnoxious. I'm not much of a shopper to begin with so I try to stay away from the stores as much as possible at this time of year. It's too depressing.
Great shot.. I love shopping when it's sale..LOL who doesn't?
My Ruby Tuesday entry here.
Love it!!!!!! Wal-Mart?
plenty of red, great shot.
i surely grab a cart do shopping..hehehe
Yes, I hope to stay above the fray! I've never been a fan of Christmas shopping, especially so far in advance. That being said, lately it seems every weekend I've been in either Target and Walmart, and I can't stand Walmart. Oh well. I do love the red. :)
a very cool shot for ruby tuesday!
Yes, that crazy season is almost upon us. I don't even consider it crazy until after Thanksgiving regardless of what the retailers would like people to do. But I have seen increased traffic in the shopping areas the past couple of weeks where it was almost dead late August through September. (Of course, I only cared because it was harder to find a place to park. LOL)
I love how you captured it!
Please come and find out what our little fashionista has to say.
I prefer shopping online, hassle free!
I would like to share our Mellow weekend
that's a cool perspective! I've been trying to stay away from the mall sale too. They can be very convincing, you know:) happy RT!
Looks like Target and it's a great shot the way you have captured it.
Ingenious photo, love the color and the angle.
Hate the desperation imposed upon us from the consumer's worst nightmare.
Husband says, "I consume, therefor I am consumed."
From felisol
Looks like we've entered TARjay [Target]
My R T is posted. In honor of Veterans [kinda sorta]...it's museum quality to be sure.
Click Here
Happy Tuesday to you!
Great shot. I would never have seen such a cool picture in such an everyday thing. It is all in the eye.
Talk to me on Christmas Eve.
That is a heck of a lot of shopping carts! It does make a nice photo.
Real rubies..Let get shopping:-)
Love the perspective, Dianne! Both on the shopping carts and on the retail crap in general.
I cannot take this stuff so early. I do love the Christmas season, though. Let's start around Dec. 18 or so...a week before is fine.
I enlarged the photo and it's quite cool.
Enjoy your Ruby Tuesday!
It's a great perspective!! and vivid red.
Happy RT, mine is here!
That's a great red photo. Haven't seen any 'uber' sales yet! I'll keep looking.
I like the framing of your shot.
Oh how funny, our photos are so alike! I think yours is every bit as good.
I used to work at Target at some point - such a familiar sight - very season appropriate ruby.
No malls for moi. Lots of flea market and online shopping has been done all year long .. now I need to sit down and sort it out .. list is ready .. have you been naughty? I hope so!
Hi Dianne, I 'looked around' here and over there before I came to this. I liked your Bonnie and Clyde car find. We send our crooks to Washington: Johnson, bush II, cheney, ... Oh yes, the Supreme Court decided he was from Wyoming so he could be VP. The same court that gave bush II the presidency.
These shopping carts are indeed lined up for the shopping race!
I did note that one has a rusy handle, I'll bet the store manager would like to fix that? :-)
Happy RT! Thank you for your visit and nice comment. Mrs. Jim wanted one of those pumps sooooo bad until she got to price one.
Great photo! Looks like it's time to go shopping once again!
wow how i wish our carts here are like those! that will really make shopping lots of fun!
u may view mine if u have time
Marvelous. This is the second shopping cart picture I've seen this Ruby Tuesday.
An excellent shot, love the perspective and red together. :)
Stay above the fray,
leave the carts and go your way—
keep your hard-earned coins!
You are so right! This picture says it all. It's about how I feel at the end of the Christmas insane-a-thon. Like a rusty something that has been left out and forgotten. There have been Christmas sales since like August!! It gets earlier every year. It is hard to even enjoy anymore.
I'm not big on Christmas or shopping, but I too started noticing signs of this upcoming holiday in the stores well before Halloween! By the way, this is a wonderful RT selection! Thanks for visiting mine.
creative post. I never think of the ordinary when I take pictures. great job making the ordinary look beautiful and unique.
I think Christmas starts much earlier in the U.S. than it does in Canada. I hope we don't catch the fever.
One bright spot is that you'll have no problem finding red photos for the next two months.
I want to quote your post in my blog. It can?
And you et an account on Twitter?
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