Saturday, December 19, 2009

Camera Critters: Working Man's Best Friend

I was waiting to get out of the parking lot of a very crowded shopping center when I let a pickup truck move into the lane ahead of me. I got a wave of thanks and immediately noticed how good looking the driver was. He had that sexy Marlboro Man look and his truck said he was a contractor. Irresistible.

As we inched forward this sweetie appeared in the passenger side window ...

I took these a couple of days ago and intended to use them today and mention that you can see wonderful dogs every Saturday at DARYL’S PLACE. Her weekly 'Waiting Impatiently' posts are fantastic.

I just came from visiting her and she has a Shepherd posted too! I love little moments like that.

Hugs and Happy All Holidays to all the CAMERA CRITTERS out there and to the people they love.

apologies for the bit of blur, my windshield was foggy


eileeninmd said...

Happy Holidays! Wonderful shot of the German Shepherd it is a handsome dog.

Teena in Toronto said...

What a gorgeous dog!

I played too :)

Chubskulit Rose said...

I wonder what he's thinkin'?

Please come and meet our New Baby Champ. Merry Christmas!

DILLIGAF said...

Love hounds. I will get another one's just the cats might not like it right now and some of em are a bit old to adapt.

Maybe a Shepherd. Maybe a Boxer. My favourite 'little' dog is a Westie though. Might get away with a Westie. The cats could beat him up!

Misty DawnS said...

What a very beautiful dog! I'm self-proclaimed dog obsessed ;-)

We love Luna said...

Dear Dianne,
These pictures are really lovely, the dog's expression in that second shot is amazing!
You always have sweet and kind words for your friends, thanks so much!
purrs and love

bobbie said...

I love Daryl's shots too. And yours are gorgeous! But it left me wanting to see the driver.

eden said...

Such a cute doggie. Love your pictures.

rinelle said...

Nice Catch. Love your critter. Hope you can find time to visit mine.

storyteller said...

Love this ;-)
Great looking photos of this handsome shepherd driver! Thanks for visiting my holiday critters Small Reflections earlier.
Hugs and blessings,

jabblog said...

Well captured Dianne! That certainly is a gorgeous dog (almost as gorgeous as his owner??)

EG CameraGirl said...

Good looking sweetie. This man's best friend is hard to compete with!

LadyFi said...

That dog is a real cutie - look at those ears!

Ingrid said...

That's my kind of truck driver too, lol !

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