Sunday, December 6, 2009

Mellow Yellow Monday: you can't do ANYTHING on this street



storyteller said...

How unusual ;-)
At first methunk I was looking at shadows ... kewl capture for MYM!
Hugs and blessings
My Mellow Yellow

Lisa (Mountain Photog) said...

LOL! Great shot, Dianne! What's the point of all those lines anyway??

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. That's very curious!

Chubskulit Rose said...

So cool!


EJ said...

Very nice..

My Mellow Yellow Monday post.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I am curious, what's beyond the road?

Anonymous said...

cool shot. cool angle.


Carletta said...

How strange!
I've never seen anything like.
Nice find Dianne.

life's journey said...

This is cool... Happy MYM!

Arkansas Patti said...

Inquiring minds want to know.

Suburban Girl said...

Looks like you can photograph it...and it does make for an interesting photo! Nice lines.

Kim, USA said...

Hehehe that is why nobody is around ^_^ Thanks for sharing!


Stephanie V said...

Oh! Can we walk there?

Leora said...

Love those lines. And the image running/walking quickly in the back.

Anonymous said...

Love your pictures, but when I got to the Wednesday shot of the steps, I had a wave of vertigo. No kidding. You may be a little TOO good!

Anonymous said...

Love your pictures, but when I got to the Wednesday shot of the steps, I had a wave of vertigo. No kidding. You may be a little TOO good!

DILLIGAF said...

Paint some yellow lines the opposite way when it's dark. That'd puzzle 'em.

Diane AZ said...

Well, at least we can look at it and wonder. Nice find for Mellow Yellow Monday!

Sally in WA said...

No parking, no driving, no walking, no nothing! How funny! Great find for MYM.

Carly said...

wow, interesting photo. Apparently you can take pictures of the street!

bobbie said...

Sure looks that way!

Ingrid said...

Very original shot ! It's hard to find yellow stuff for the moment, lol ! all is in red or green !