Saturday, December 5, 2009

Camera Critters: My Good Neighbor

This is Gunner, he lives across the street. He comes to the door when he sees me ...

Usually I wave and he wiggles his butt and we go about our day.

When his people are around he runs from the front door to the side door and comes outside.

I get a smile ...

And a hug ...

Gunner is wearing his Christmas collar. He left the price tag on in case he changes his mind and wants to return it. He's not to sure about the bells.



Anonymous said...

What a sweetie! He'd look good in any collar.

eileeninmd said...

Gunneer is a cutie, I love dogs. What a nice Christmas collar. Great photos.

Quilt Works said...

You took great photos of Gunner. The last photo shows how friendly he is :-)

... "Simplicity is beautiful"

Ricepatty said...

Great shot of your pal Gunner - funny about the collar!

EG CameraGirl said...

Too funny about the price tag, Dianne! Gunnar looks like my kind of pal. What a sweetie!

Martha said...

Gunner is cute with his festive Christmas collar!


We love Luna said...

Gunner is so cute with this lace so coloured!Adorable pictures dear friend, congrats!
Happy weekend and CC
purrs and love

Snap said...

I loved this post. Gunner is very handsome and a good neighbor (to give you hugs). I laughed about his Christmas collar the price tag! Wonderfu;!

DILLIGAF said...

Handsome hound....not sure about the collar though. Bells? Good grief he's a dog not a reindeer!!!

Kay Dennison said...

Gunner is a cutie -- he looks a lot like D.O.G. who lives across the street and is my buddy.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Wow, a hug is a sweet bonus!

Mine is up now too

Teena in Toronto said...

So festive!

I played too :)

nonizamboni said...

Your post about Gunner had me in stitches!! What a guy and its not everyone who can say when they wave at a friend that they wiggle their butt in return :O)

Juliana said...

Looks great dog

My entry this week : in HERE. I hope you have time to visit. Thanks

Willa @ PixelMinded said...

he's so cute with his xmas collar and what a smart ide to keep the tag on just in case....:D

Anonymous said...


Kim, USA said...

I love the tag and gunner hmmm he is a little sneaky fellow. Happy weekend!

My CameraCritters

bobbie said...

Gunner is a sweetheart. I would like to have him for a neighbor.

Suburban Girl said...

You are too funny and Gunner too cute. I hope he keeps his collar. I like it.

Teresa said...

He looks like a character. You get the fun without the dog hair all over your house. Very cute.

Karine said...

What a beautiful dog :o)

Carletta said...

He looks like a sweetie!
I love the collar.

Corner Gardener Sue said...

How nice to have such a nice neighbor! Great photos of Gunner!

Kathleen said...

Oh, man, but I love a dog that smiles! He smiles with his whole body doesn't he. What a great neighbor! that price tag is a hoot!

Carolyn Ford said...

What a sweet pooch! I have a yellow lab and adore her...beautiful photos of a beautiful dog!

jabblog said...

It takes a dog with character to wear a collar with bells. Gunner is gorgeous and such a fine male!

Squirrel said...

Cute critter and story line.

Jackie said...

I love your Gunner posts, I'd love to see more of him - what a cutie!

Perfectly Blended said...

He looks so cute. I love to hug him. LOL!

storyteller said...

Labs are such sweet loving pooches! Gunner looks festive in his Christmas collar. Molly would LOVE to play with him ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

Lisa (Mountain Photog) said...

What a sweetie, Dianne! And so much nicer than having your own dog, eh? LOL!


I love how Gunner is showing off his beautiful toofers in the last photo. ;o)

Unknown said...

Gunner looks very friendly. :) And happy. :)

Carly said...

cute dog, Hope that he doesn't change his mind, I like the collar!

Ingrid said...

What a sweet doggie ! Labradors are so adorable !

Patti said...

Aw, what a nice friendly neighbor. Tell him the bells complete the ensemble. ;-)