Monday, February 22, 2010

Ruby Tuesday: Burn Off The Burgers



Ralph said...

Ooh, this BK has a play area too! Alas, even in the wheelchair, I far exceed the height limit, not mention the age limit...

Victoria said...

Great RT entry!! Cute!
Have a great day!

Jim said...

Oh Dianne, this is sooooo pretty. The play area doesn't look glassed in so it must be closed for winter?
Happy RT!

bobbie said...

Great for Ruby Tuesday.
I just can't do fast food. Never could. But I'd enjoy playing.

nice A said...

Great place for kids with that attractive play area.

Carletta said...

Great title!
I just read in the paper tonight that a local Mickey D's is remodeling and doing away with its playground. Seems drive through is 70%. Sad.

Hootin Anni said...

I'll take a fish filet sandwich from across the street at McDonalds. LOLOLOL

My Ruby Tuesday - Kachina Doll

Hope you're having a super day.

Snooze said...

fantastic idea for ruby tuesday.

Maria said...

Hope you have a fantastic day, myself, I´m not so fond of fast food:)

Willa @ PixelMinded said...

We go to BK not because of their burgers but because of their play area lol!

Suburban Girl said...

Reminds me of the hours I spent watching my kids play at one of these.

Daryl said...

What a nice sunshine-y photo ... perfect counterpoint to today's dreary rain

Unknown said...

Mmmmm... Burger Kiiiing.... we don't have one here so it's a bit of a treat for me. Call me crazy! ;o)

That's a great shot Dianne - the colours are so bright and bold!

I'm having a giveaway for my followers... you should stop by! :o)

Picture Imperfect Follower Giveaway

Leora said...

You think the kids need help burning off the burgers? I'd like to see an adult running through that playground. And the wires remind me of NJ. Oh, yeah, it is NJ.

DILLIGAF said...

After careful consideration I have have arrived at the conclusion I can say only one good thing about Burger King.

It isn't McDonalds...;-)

Patti said...

I have never seen an outdoor BK playground. Just indoor ones.

This bright red on a sunny day sure cheers me up today. It's so dreary out there. And that wintry mix. Yuck.

Kathy said...

The contrast with the snow makes this so delectably bright! No wonder kids like to go to these places.

Marice said...

wow what a nice BK place! :) my kid will love that!

u may view mine here

Ingrid said...

The paradise of all kids, lol !
Since my son is an adult I haven't been in a McDo or "Quick" (same as Burger King) since at least 20 years !

Anonymous said...

Burger King has a veggie burger I'm fond of. :)