This little boat entered the marina. It was making a terrible putt-putt sound as it backed into the dock. I thought it was odd that the gulls all swooped over and around the boat but then immediately moved on.
I assumed it was a fishing boat.
I took a few shots of it. I saw the pilot (captain?) of the boat standing in the window and I was trying to capture his silhouette with the pilings showing through the windows.
The sun glare was impossible and so I shot and shot hoping something would look good when I uploaded.

I never realized it was a Homeland Security boat until I saw the photos.
So, am I on a watch list now?
I got a few great gull shots, I'll share them on Saturday for Camera Critters.
You managed to get a great shot. Hope you aren't on a list. I remember, in Budapest, being afraid of taking a picture of the Orient Express. So many armed guards around, and they don't seem to like photographers much.
I have no real idea why but I really really like this pic.
"Dance ti´ thy daddy, sing ti´ thy mammy
Dance ti´ thy daddy, ti´ thy mammy sing
Come here, maw little Jacky
Now aw´ve smok´d mi backy
Let's hav a bit o´cracky
Till the boat comes in
Thou shall hev a fishy on a little dishy
Thou shall hev a fishy when the boat comes in
Here´s thy mother humming
Like a canny woman
Yonder comes thy father
Drunk... he cannot stand
Thou shall hev a fishy on a little dishy
Thou shall hev a haddock when the boat comes in
Our Tommy's always fuddling
He's so fond of ale
But he's kind to me
I hope he'll never fail
Thou shall hev a fishy on a little dishy
Thou shall hev a mackerel when the boat comes in
I like a drop mysel´
When I can ge it sly
And thou, my bonny bairn
Will lik´t as well as I
Thou shall hev a fishy on a little dishy
Thou shall hev a salmon when the boat comes in"
Crackin' pic babe
4D x
They're clamping down here too on photographers - I heard a story recently of a guy who was accused by a security guard of being a paedophile because he was taking a picture of a child - who happened to be his son! The world's gone mad.
Yeah, and you've gone and done it! You took a picture of it! :-D
Oh you are lucky they didn't come out and harass you for taking photos. What a shame. But it sure is a fun story.
Only pic I need is of you smilin' babe.
Keep these great pics comin and we'll all be there to look and enjoy
4D x
(hey! How did you know I was a mind...)...;-)
oh yeah...forgot to mention...
nice socks.....;-)
Well?...I'm a bar steward!
(by the way...Carol adores this blog. She won't's her you've two of us)...oh dear
Yikes! Now you have done it! It is an interesting looking boat though!! I once thought I was in big trouble for taking pics of a border crossing....I didn't realize I wasn't allowed to do that.
Love the pic! I wonder why boat was there? Blessings!
I don't think you are on the list just because you were taking a picture : ) but maybe! : )
Hello Dianne, I like this photo, it looks like the gull is interested in the boat.
By the way, thanks for leavinga comment on mu blog, I've got another in english and spanish.
I´m waiting to see the other shots.
I guess the boat was bought with stimulus money ... ;-)
Reminds me of the fishing boats a friend of my dad had when I was a kid!!!!!! Great shot!!!!
Oh NO! Ha! I can't tell you how many photos I've taken THEN discovered a surprise when I download them onto my computer. So, are there men in trench coats and dark glasses following you? :)
that's pretty funny. I can so imagine this scenario. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't even see you!
Oh dear, I hope you aren't on their bad list. And shucks, I missed. My guess was a drug running boat.
Happy MidWeek Blues! :)
We had your snow this Tuesday, I have a picture of it out my back door. Taken right at the worst, too! :)
I do hope you're not on a LIST
I like how the gull seems interested in what those humans were doing.
What are they patrolling? Suburban New Jersey?
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