Thank you for visitng my blog. Seems we have some of the same blogging friends. I love your B&W photo.Rebeckah at Life with Kaishon is the best, isn't she? Daryl has some awesome photography too.
You make me laugh and laugh! I freaking LOVE this picture! I am so glad you joined! There are lots of nice people at Black and White Wednesday. Also, you are going to LOVE Grandma J. She has the funnest blog on the planet : )
It is a beautiful photograph Dianne and it sure looks like from another planet.. Or maybe taken from the Star Wars..
Have a nice day.. Costas
Dianne: That did come out really cool.
The light and dark shades make this work well in b&w! I love how you are without 'smoking a thing!' You crack me up when I visit here.
Love how the black and white puts a whole other slant on your subject! Cool alien vessel!
What a great photo. It does look like something from another planet.
Thanks for stopping by.
Ooooo that looks like a lot of fun!!!!
You are too funny! I think your right something from another plant for sure!
You made me laugh out loud. Great photo. Yes, it looks like we're being invaded in black & white. {Found you through b&w Wed., by the way}
I agree its like something from Star Trek ... nice monochrome
Thank you for visitng my blog. Seems we have some of the same blogging friends. I love your B&W photo.Rebeckah at Life with Kaishon is the best, isn't she? Daryl has some awesome photography too.
wow...stunning..and gorgeous!
Yes, this is a cool shot! Great idea to have it in B & W. It does a look a little other-worldly. :)
You make me laugh and laugh! I freaking LOVE this picture! I am so glad you joined! There are lots of nice people at Black and White Wednesday. Also, you are going to LOVE Grandma J. She has the funnest blog on the planet : )
just looks like a lot of fun to me! great shot :)
thanks for stopping by my place for POTW.
You should come back to the B&W blog. I'm not pleased with any of my photos, in fact some are down right embarrassing. lol
very cool shot!
So TRUE...right out of Lost in Space!
Thanks for stopping by my blog on B&W Wednesday!
I definitely like this.. Black and white was the way to go....
I really like this photo, Dianne! It's so 1950s-ish in the black & white.
very science fiction-y
hmmm...maybe I'll join in
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