Monday, March 22, 2010

Ruby Tuesday: A Boat Is A Boat To Me

I took this last November. It was a beautiful, Indian summer day and I took a walk along the boardwalk in Keansburg, NJ.

One of the fishermen said it was a trawler. I looked up trawlers and it seemed like every type of boat on the seas was a trawler unless it was a canoe or an ocean liner.

Nautical I'm not.

It's red. The sky and bay are beautifully blue. And the wonderful Verrazano Narrows Bridge (the bridge of my beloved Motherland) is in the background.

Good enough for me.

Happy trawls ...



MaggieGem said...

Great color, love the bridge and East Side skyline in this shot. Well done!

eden said...

Love the view. Great shot!
Happy Ruby Tuesday

Annie Bear said...

Awesome, Diane. This is very well done. I love the colors! Wow! I also love being able to see the city, the bridge, the boat, the sky, the whole expanse.

Anil P said...

It seems to be carrying much cargo.

I loved the blues overall.

Auntie E said...

wonderful lens capture, Love the brightness and the barge look great next to the sky line.
making it easier to visit,My Ruby Link for you

bobbie said...

Wow! Talk about contrasting colors!
I love the Verrazano.

Leora said...

What a great picture postcard shot. We will be traveling over the Verrazano next Monday...

Daryl said...

What a fabulous photo ...

Jientje said...

The color of the sea and the sky is amazing, and the red is so vibrant, lovely!

Small Reflections said...

WOW ... now THAT's what I call a RUBY RED boat!!! Marvelous capture.
Hugs and blessings,

Marice said...

lovely scenery :)

u may view mine here

Patti said...

That red "trawler" certainly stands out with the beautiful blues of the sky and water.

Great scenic shot. Happy trawls back at ya!

Ralph said...

A boat is usually non-descript, a tool of commerce. Except in Ruby, it is stunning! And in the Lower New York Harbor has never looked better. Excellent!

Anonymous said...

i love this photo and the colors -- the red and blue looks beautiful.


Ingrid said...

That's a nice blue and red picture ! the ship looks so long !

Unknown said...

Nothing short of brilliant : )

dot said...

But it's red and absolutely perfect for Ruby Tuesday.