Friday, March 19, 2010

Weekend Reflections: Brick and Swirls

I love brick buildings. Red brick is my favorite but this one is nice too. I don't know what's creating the swirly reflections but they're pretty. And of course trees are always beautiful.



Carolyn Ford said...

I like the color of that brick! And, the reflections add such interest to the side of that building. Very pretty shot.

Daryl said...

Oh that's a wonderful shot .. I like the color of the brick ... purple/gray?

Suburban Girl said...

Oh I do like the swirly reflection. I had to look closely to see it. I like red brick too.

Carletta said...

I hope everyone enlarges this to appreciate it best.
I like the layers of the reflections with the windows and the blinds. Very pleasing colors.
Nice capture Dianne!

Annie Bear said...

Oh, neat! I like this pretty building. Those windows sure do reflect well. Love all the trees. There's such a pleasant feel.

bobbie said...

I like the blue. Don't think I've ever seen it anywhere else.

Anonymous said...

I like the colors and the textures. The windows are probably tinted.

Kat said...

Great reflections, the swirling effect is really neat! Great texture in this shot, that brick is really unusual. Kathy said...

I like these swirls Dianne. They look really cool when enlarged too.
Happy Spring!

Ebie said...

Love the swirls reflection. Could it be the wind blowing that's making the leaves sway?

You captured them at the right moment and time!

Enjoy your weekend!

Kay Dennison said...

I really love this photo!!!!! It gave me a smile.

Halcyon said...

Cool reflection. I like the contrast of the bricks and the swirly things... and the trees too!

Anonymous said...

Carletta was right ... this one is definitely worth embiggening. Marvelous capture ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

Ingrid said...

I also prefer red bricks but these once are nice because it is a soft grey !

maryt/theteach said...

Are the windows bevelled, Dianne? That could account for the swirl-iness. The colors are wonderful! :)

Patti said...

Nice color bricks. A change from red!

I also like the aqua blue reflections in the windows, and the swirls.

Jientje said...

That's a very unusual color for a brick wall!