Sunday, March 21, 2010

Shadow Shots: On The Walk

I noticed these shadows when I went out to get the mail.



Unknown said...

That's a nice one! I haven't been finding really good crisp ones like this one lately.

Small Reflections said...

Both are great shadows ... I love the crisp details in the first one especially.
Hugs and blessings,

maryt/theteach said...

Love the lantern, Dianne! Thank heavens for the sun! Happy Spring! :)

Victoria said...

Super beautiful..the lantern is magical as a shadow..fab shots!!

Ingrid said...

And where are the shadows of your dogs ?? lol !

Sylvia K said...

Oh, great shadow shots, Dianne! I love the clear, sharp pattern of the lantern! Hope you've had a great weekend!


bobbie said...

A really nice light fixture. Great shadows.

Ralph said...

The walkway itself is beautiful, the blocks placed in such a beautiful pattern. The shadows then add an even nicer detail on the walk, especially that delicate lamp fixture quite nice. Excellent shots!

Anonymous said...

The lantern makes need shadows, Dianne!

LadyFi said...

Love the gorgeous silhouette!

Kay Dennison said...

Beautiful -- as always!!!!

Patti said...

I like the lamp - is it a solar light? I need to replace ours. They do wear out!

Clear shadow you found.

Happy Spring, Day 2!

Elaine said...

This is a very interesting photo...I really like how the light fixture is shadowed across the different shapes of the pavers. The shadow is sharp enough so that it really works!

Annie Bear said...

Oh, nice long shadows. I love shadows, especially long ones. This is creative to see that lantern and make it into such an interesting picture.

A Wild Thing said...

That walkway is just inviting bare feet...sigh...! At least we had sun all day, but brrrrr...

Anonymous said...

i love the shadows over the patterned walkway. very nice shadow shots.


Patti said...

HI Dianne,
I was interested in your lighting explanation. It wasn't too much information at all.

We don't have an outside outlet so I"ll be getting more solar lanterns hopefully this spring.

Daryl said...

Wonderful shapes AND shadows ..

Rambling Woods said...

Glad you were getting some sunshine Dianne....Michelle

Jientje said...

That's a very crisp clear shadow Dianne. Love it!

Elizabeth said...

Excellent shadows!