Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Ruby Tuesday: Hot Dog Bobs

Hot Dog Bobs went all out for Labor Day



Patti said...

I guess they did go all out ... too bad the owner's name isn't Frank.

(don't hit me! - ducking under desk)

Nice show of red white and blue, perfect for RT.

life's journey said...

Like the hotdog...Happy RT!

Auntie E said...

All American Hot dogs. Love the Americana shots.Happy RT

Daryl said...

Oh my Dad would have loved this place, he never met a hot dog didnt have to have

Vicki ~ FL said...

Great RT post and very American!

Anonymous said...

How very American for us from Europe.

Villas Girl said...

Hi Dianne! Bob sure did go all out. Bet he has great hot dogs. Lisa

Carletta said...

It's hard to believe the last big fling of summer is already over. :)
I'm assuming that's a little outdoor seating area - very nice on a sunny day.
I've already planned hotdogs for dinner.

Annie Bear said...

It doesn't get more American than hot dogs, Labor Day and the American flag. Bob has some great doecorations.

storyteller at Small Reflections said...

Yup ... sure looks like they did! Wonderful way to celebrate in an all-American way ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Regina said...

cool shots!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I don't even like hot dogs and I think I would buy one from Bob.

Raven said...

Now I want a hot dog. I'm not a big hot dog fan as a rule. I do love having them in certain places like the beach... childhood memories, I guess. Nice shots.

EG CameraGirl said...

Here I am just over the border in Canada and I have to say, yes, it really does look very American. ;-)

Love the national spirit in the U.S.

But we eat hotdogs here in Canada too. LOL

Leora said...

Now there's the patriotic spirit.

Annie Jeffries said...

So cheerful looking!!

ellen b. said...

Those are great Ruby shots Dianne! I love me a good hot dog every couple months or so :0)

Felisol said...

A red hot dog?
There's a first time for every sight.
Also wonder what the number on the bread is supposed to tell me.
Numbers of sold hot dogs on Labor Day?
Even though its very American, we eat hot dogs too.
One with everything is the normal order.
(That includes shrimp salad, raw onion, mustard, ketchup and cucumber crunch.
From Felisol

Ralph said...

Perhaps he was serving red hots as well? The ketchup, which I will not use, is a fine RT as well. A holiday wurst always tastes fine!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

I'm seeing red
!!! Now I'm feeling patriotic...:)

quilly said...

I'm hungry! Dinner isn't for a couple more hours (thanks to Amoeba's work and band schedule we at at 9 p.m. on Tuesday nights). That hotdog looks pretty darn good. I think I'm making chili dogs for dinner! LOL!

Ingrid said...

Just reminds me that it is a looooong time ago I haven't eaten a hot dog, lol !

Jim said...

Hi Dianne, aren't you glad that Bob didn't close up for the winter! I love hot dogs although my dr. has limited me somewhat.
Happy RT! Thank you for peeking in. Yes, that old Mercury brought back memories for me. Baby Kp has her two month checkup tomorrow.

JunieRose2005 said...

Love your Ruby Tuesday!


Ellie said...

Very beautiful white red and blue decoration. Very inspiring!

Tina said...

thats nice. love it when people make an effort like that

Tina from
Mummy Diaries
Game FreakZ
Gossip Avenue
Travel Shack