Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Window Views: Chucky, Is That You?



Leora said...

Cute. I like the way the whole thing is at an angle, like a weird, freaky film.

Annie Bear said...

LOL! Good idea with the angle. Too funny!

Lew said...

I thought chucky ran around in the storm drains! Seems he made his way inside!

MaR said...

Oh, my, it is Chucky!!
Great find ! (despite the fact that he gives me the shivers...)


magiceye said...


Ingrid said...

Lol ! that's cute !

Le Butterfly said...

scary stuff - LOL

Thanks for stopping by.

Arkansas Patti said...

For a second, my hair stood on end. Great shot.

Tina said...

oh my that is quite disturbing lol

Tina from
Mummy Diaries
Game FreakZ
Gossip Avenue
Travel Shack

kayerj said...

weird . . . but then October is just around the corner. Maybe it's pre halloween decor. If you want to wander down my road I’m home.

Daryl said...

Oh funny .. on my block there's a Skint doll in a window just that way .. I have no idea what a Skint doll is, but thats what it says on the box containing the 'doll' in the window here.

Come Away With Me said...

This is the most disturbing window I've seen - LOL! Great angles and composition with the photo tough.

Unknown said...

Ha! I hope not! Clever!

Luna and mommy Léia said...

Funny idea!What a relief to know that is not a child but a puppet!
mommy Léia and Luna

Anonymous said...

lovely capture...nice angle!

storyteller at Sacred Ruminations said...

Aw ... that's too clever ;--)
Love it!
Hugs and blessings,

Petula said...

LOL! Chucky scares me!

Suburban Girl said...

That is hilarious! I love your sense of humor.