Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Window Views on Mid Week Blues: Does Bon Jovi Live Here?

This is the back of one of the beautiful homes on the Navesink River in Middletown and Red Bank, NJ - this particular stretch sits right on the town line.

Bon Jovi has a house somewhere on this road although there are also rumors that he moved. Every time I visit this neck of the woods I remember the time I took a drive with my niece and whenever she saw someone she'd call out "Does Bon Jovi live here?"

She never got an answer but she did get lots of smiles and waves.




Carletta said...

Gorgeous place no matter who lives there! What views they must have from every window.
I wonder what the neighbors in the little cottage next door think. :)

Carolyn Ford said...

So many beautiful windows of so many different shapes...what a lovely place! And, beautiful capture!

bobbie said...

A beautiful place! How would you like to wash all those windows?
I love the Highlands. My favorite spot, of course, is Twin Lights.

Suburban Girl said...

Holy Cow! That place is enormous. You've gotta be a Bon Jovi to live in something like that...or be in debt to your eyeballs! Imagine the electric bill!

DILLIGAF said...

That's more than a prayer he's living on there!

Must check my lottery ticket again....

Leora said...

Whoa! That's near Red Bank? My, my, my. How do we get an invitation?

Love all the trees behind the house. It was a pretty fall in NJ.

Arkansas Patti said...

Beautiful home however I must be getting old. I am not the least bit envious.
I do like Bon Jovi though.

Ingrid said...

Just big enough for me, lol !

Jim said...

Our whole family tree could probably live on the taxes that the owner is (should be??) paying!
That's a pretty house, does Bon Jovie live here?
Happy MidWeek Blues. I hadn't thought of melted Smurfs, if I see the guys again I will mention your guess. So far (it's on the other blog too) this is the cleverest guess.
BTW, I could live in the little house on the right just fine. Same view, perhaps from a lower point.

Anonymous said...

That's some house. The trees make a nice backdrop.

Patti said...

Pretty photo with the river and also fall foliage as a backdrop.

Now that's a good sized house! Not too cozy, which is what I prefer.

PS. I love snow globes too ~ now that Osborne homestead is cozy, even though it has a lot of rooms.

Daryl said...

Whenever I see a large house I get envious, we live in a teensy tiny one bedroom brownstone apartment BUT then I think GAH who is going to clean that place, not me, I dont even clean our place (unless someone is coming to visit).... fabulous snap ..

Carly said...

wow, what an amazing house! How neat it would be is Bon Jovi lived there?

Anonymous said...

That's some mansion!!

Anonymous said...

LOL! I enjoyed the story of the search for Bon Jovi. And what about Springsteen. Doesn't he live in Jersey, too? ;-)

That's a mighty big house.


ds said...

Some house!
Thank you for the kind words you left at my blog.

Patti said...

thanks for noticing my Christmas lights ~ you and Paz are the only ones who noticed,


Lisa (Mountain Photog) said...

Gorgeous house! It would be a great place to live--if you had staff. I love the little gazebo near the water. . .

Tom Bailey said...

Thank you for sharing this photo - I really like this shot - regardless of who lives there.

MaggieGem said...

Jon Bon Jovi and Bruce... the elusive Jerseyans!

Great shot, there are some very lovely homes along the Navesink, and some breath-taking views I've yet to capture! Have a great weekend!

This Life Thru the Lens

maryt/theteach said...

Were you out on a boat recently, Dianne, to capture that shot? :)

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I live here, come in and say hi and if you have time, have cup of coffee. LOL

Beautiful house, Wonder how many maids they have.