Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Mid Week Blues: The Little Boat At The Marina

Sunday was a bright sunny day with temperatures in the 40s. The weather reports all said this entire week was going to be cold and rainy and windy and snowy (and lions and tigers and bears) Oh My! - so I went over to the marina to take some photos of the gulls.

This little boat entered the marina. It was making a terrible putt-putt sound as it backed into the dock. I thought it was odd that the gulls all swooped over and around the boat but then immediately moved on.

I assumed it was a fishing boat.

I took a few shots of it. I saw the pilot (captain?) of the boat standing in the window and I was trying to capture his silhouette with the pilings showing through the windows.

The sun glare was impossible and so I shot and shot hoping something would look good when I uploaded.

I never realized it was a Homeland Security boat until I saw the photos.

So, am I on a watch list now?

I got a few great gull shots, I'll share them on Saturday for Camera Critters.



bobbie said...

You managed to get a great shot. Hope you aren't on a list. I remember, in Budapest, being afraid of taking a picture of the Orient Express. So many armed guards around, and they don't seem to like photographers much.

DILLIGAF said...

I have no real idea why but I really really like this pic.

"Dance ti´ thy daddy, sing ti´ thy mammy
Dance ti´ thy daddy, ti´ thy mammy sing

Come here, maw little Jacky
Now aw´ve smok´d mi backy
Let's hav a bit o´cracky
Till the boat comes in

Thou shall hev a fishy on a little dishy
Thou shall hev a fishy when the boat comes in

Here´s thy mother humming
Like a canny woman
Yonder comes thy father
Drunk... he cannot stand

Thou shall hev a fishy on a little dishy
Thou shall hev a haddock when the boat comes in

Our Tommy's always fuddling
He's so fond of ale
But he's kind to me
I hope he'll never fail

Thou shall hev a fishy on a little dishy
Thou shall hev a mackerel when the boat comes in

I like a drop mysel´
When I can ge it sly
And thou, my bonny bairn
Will lik´t as well as I

Thou shall hev a fishy on a little dishy
Thou shall hev a salmon when the boat comes in"

Crackin' pic babe

4D x

Jackie said...

They're clamping down here too on photographers - I heard a story recently of a guy who was accused by a security guard of being a paedophile because he was taking a picture of a child - who happened to be his son! The world's gone mad.

Unknown said...

Yeah, and you've gone and done it! You took a picture of it! :-D

Suburban Girl said...

Oh you are lucky they didn't come out and harass you for taking photos. What a shame. But it sure is a fun story.

DILLIGAF said...

Only pic I need is of you smilin' babe.

Keep these great pics comin and we'll all be there to look and enjoy

4D x

(hey! How did you know I was a mind...)...;-)

DILLIGAF said...

oh yeah...forgot to mention...

nice socks.....;-)


Well?...I'm a bar steward!

(by the way...Carol adores this blog. She won't's her you've two of us)...oh dear

bichonpawz said...

Yikes! Now you have done it! It is an interesting looking boat though!! I once thought I was in big trouble for taking pics of a border crossing....I didn't realize I wasn't allowed to do that.


Love the pic! I wonder why boat was there? Blessings!

Unknown said...

I don't think you are on the list just because you were taking a picture : ) but maybe! : )

cata said...

Hello Dianne, I like this photo, it looks like the gull is interested in the boat.
By the way, thanks for leavinga comment on mu blog, I've got another in english and spanish.
I´m waiting to see the other shots.

Daryl said...

I guess the boat was bought with stimulus money ... ;-)

Kay Dennison said...

Reminds me of the fishing boats a friend of my dad had when I was a kid!!!!!! Great shot!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh NO! Ha! I can't tell you how many photos I've taken THEN discovered a surprise when I download them onto my computer. So, are there men in trench coats and dark glasses following you? :) said...

that's pretty funny. I can so imagine this scenario. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't even see you!

Jim said...

Oh dear, I hope you aren't on their bad list. And shucks, I missed. My guess was a drug running boat.
Happy MidWeek Blues! :)
We had your snow this Tuesday, I have a picture of it out my back door. Taken right at the worst, too! :)

Patti said...

I do hope you're not on a LIST

I like how the gull seems interested in what those humans were doing.

What are they patrolling? Suburban New Jersey?